Given the following class:
class TestClass {
public void SetValue(int value) { Value = value; }
public int Value { get; set; }
I can
There are three ways of doing this; the first is to use GetGetMethod()/GetSetMethod() and create a delegate with Delegate.CreateDelegate. The second is a lambda (not much use for reflection!) [i.e. x=>x.Foo]. The third is via Expression (.NET 3.5).
The lambda is the easiest ;-p
class TestClass
public int Value { get; set; }
static void Main()
Func<TestClass, int> lambdaGet = x => x.Value;
Action<TestClass, int> lambdaSet = (x, val) => x.Value = val;
var prop = typeof(TestClass).GetProperty("Value");
Func<TestClass, int> reflGet = (Func<TestClass, int>) Delegate.CreateDelegate(
typeof(Func<TestClass, int>), prop.GetGetMethod());
Action<TestClass, int> reflSet = (Action<TestClass, int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
typeof(Action<TestClass, int>), prop.GetSetMethod());
To show usage:
TestClass foo = new TestClass();
foo.Value = 1;
Console.WriteLine("Via property: " + foo.Value);
lambdaSet(foo, 2);
Console.WriteLine("Via lambda: " + lambdaGet(foo));
reflSet(foo, 3);
Console.WriteLine("Via CreateDelegate: " + reflGet(foo));
Note that if you want the delegate pointing to the specific instance, you can use closures for the lambda, or the overload of CreateDelegate that accepts and instance.
Properties are really wrappers around methods in .Net, so using reflection you should be able to get the delegate (set_PROPERTY and get_PROPERTY) and then execute them...
See System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
If has two methods which you can use to get/ set the value - GetGetMethod and GetSetMethod.
So you could write:
var propertyInfo = typeof (TestClass).GetProperty ("Value");
var setMethod = property.GetSetMethod (); // This will return a MethodInfo class.
You could create the delegate using reflection :
Action<int> valueSetter = (Action<int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<int>), tc, tc.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetSetMethod());
or create a delegate to an anonymous method which sets the property;
Action<int> valueSetter = v => tc.Value = v;
Edit: used wrong overload for CreateDelegate(), need to use the one that takes and object as target. Fixed.