Does anyone know if there is a way to read geotag data from photos in PHP?
Install Intervention\Image
by following command.
composer require intervention/image
Update config/app.php
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Image' => Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::class
Use Library:
$data = Image::make(public_path('IMG.jpg'))->exif();
if(isset($data['GPSLatitude'])) {
$lat = eval('return ' . $data['GPSLatitude'][0] . ';')
+ (eval('return ' . $data['GPSLatitude'][1] . ';') / 60)
+ (eval('return ' . $data['GPSLatitude'][2] . ';') / 3600);
$lng = eval('return ' . $data['GPSLongitude'][0] . ';')
+ (eval('return ' . $data['GPSLongitude'][1] . ';') / 60)
+ (eval('return ' . $data['GPSLongitude'][2] . ';') / 3600);
echo "$lat, $lng";
} else {
echo "No GPS Info";
Call this function with filename. I testet it and it works prefectly.
Call example:
$fileName='xxxxxx'; //or $fileName='xxxxxxxxx';
echo $returned_data = triphoto_getGPS($fileName);
function triphoto_getGPS($fileName)
//get the EXIF all metadata from Images
$exif = exif_read_data($fileName);
if(isset($exif["GPSLatitudeRef"])) {
$LatM = 1; $LongM = 1;
if($exif["GPSLatitudeRef"] == 'S') {
$LatM = -1;
if($exif["GPSLongitudeRef"] == 'W') {
$LongM = -1;
//get the GPS data
//convert strings to numbers
foreach($gps as $key => $value){
$pos = strpos($value, '/');
if($pos !== false){
$temp = explode('/',$value);
$gps[$key] = $temp[0] / $temp[1];
//calculate the decimal degree
$result['latitude'] = $LatM * ($gps['LatDegree'] + ($gps['LatMinute'] / 60) + ($gps['LatgSeconds'] / 3600));
$result['longitude'] = $LongM * ($gps['LongDegree'] + ($gps['LongMinute'] / 60) + ($gps['LongSeconds'] / 3600));
$result['datetime'] = $exif["DateTime"];
return $result;
You can use the exif_read_data() function if the geotag data is embedded in the EXIF data.
You can use the EXIF functions of PHP:
Will Coughlin's answer is correct though I formulated a function for quick reference in case someone stumbles upon the same problem.
* Returns an array of latitude and longitude from the Image file
* @param image $file
* @return multitype:number |boolean
function read_gps_location($file){
if (is_file($file)) {
$info = exif_read_data($file);
if (isset($info['GPSLatitude']) && isset($info['GPSLongitude']) &&
isset($info['GPSLatitudeRef']) && isset($info['GPSLongitudeRef']) &&
in_array($info['GPSLatitudeRef'], array('E','W','N','S')) && in_array($info['GPSLongitudeRef'], array('E','W','N','S'))) {
$GPSLatitudeRef = strtolower(trim($info['GPSLatitudeRef']));
$GPSLongitudeRef = strtolower(trim($info['GPSLongitudeRef']));
$lat_degrees_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLatitude'][0]);
$lat_minutes_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLatitude'][1]);
$lat_seconds_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLatitude'][2]);
$lng_degrees_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLongitude'][0]);
$lng_minutes_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLongitude'][1]);
$lng_seconds_a = explode('/',$info['GPSLongitude'][2]);
$lat_degrees = $lat_degrees_a[0] / $lat_degrees_a[1];
$lat_minutes = $lat_minutes_a[0] / $lat_minutes_a[1];
$lat_seconds = $lat_seconds_a[0] / $lat_seconds_a[1];
$lng_degrees = $lng_degrees_a[0] / $lng_degrees_a[1];
$lng_minutes = $lng_minutes_a[0] / $lng_minutes_a[1];
$lng_seconds = $lng_seconds_a[0] / $lng_seconds_a[1];
$lat = (float) $lat_degrees+((($lat_minutes*60)+($lat_seconds))/3600);
$lng = (float) $lng_degrees+((($lng_minutes*60)+($lng_seconds))/3600);
//If the latitude is South, make it negative.
//If the longitude is west, make it negative
$GPSLatitudeRef == 's' ? $lat *= -1 : '';
$GPSLongitudeRef == 'w' ? $lng *= -1 : '';
return array(
'lat' => $lat,
'lng' => $lng
return false;
Hope it helps someone.
Like everyone else has said, exif_read_data(); will do it. To go ahead and get all of the data, use these args:
exif_read_data($img, 0, true); // where $img is the path to your image
This function can only read headers from tiffs and jpegs and I'm pretty sure only jpegs may contain geotags. I've written a simple php script for use in the command line and posted it as a gist on github.
Run the script like this: php exif.php
It will echo out an array. Look for the coordinates here:
[GPS] => Array
[GPSLatitudeRef] => N
[GPSLatitude] => Array
[0] => 30/1
[1] => 1589/100
[2] => 0/1
[GPSLongitudeRef] => W
[GPSLongitude] => Array
[0] => 87/1
[1] => 3609/100
[2] => 0/1
[GPSAltitudeRef] =>
[GPSAltitude] => 18289/454
[GPSTimeStamp] => Array
[0] => 20/1
[1] => 22/1
[2] => 2065/1
[GPSImgDirectionRef] => T
[GPSImgDirection] => 34765/689
The Latitude and Longitude arrays contain three values: 0 is for degrees, 1 is for minutes and 2 is for seconds. If you see something like "1589/100" this is equal to 15.89. So for the GPSLongitude array, 3609/100 is equal to 36.09.
Convert the coordinates from degrees-minutes-second form to decimal form here
If the latitude is South, dont forget to make it negative. If the longitude is west, make that negative. The coodinates from the above data are: 30.26483, -87.6015