I made this function:
function transliterate(word){
var answer = \"\";
A = new Array();
In my projects I am using this method of transliterating:
var transliterate = function(text) {
text = text
.replace(/\u0401/g, 'YO')
.replace(/\u0419/g, 'I')
.replace(/\u0426/g, 'TS')
.replace(/\u0423/g, 'U')
.replace(/\u041A/g, 'K')
.replace(/\u0415/g, 'E')
.replace(/\u041D/g, 'N')
.replace(/\u0413/g, 'G')
.replace(/\u0428/g, 'SH')
.replace(/\u0429/g, 'SCH')
.replace(/\u0417/g, 'Z')
.replace(/\u0425/g, 'H')
.replace(/\u042A/g, '')
.replace(/\u0451/g, 'yo')
.replace(/\u0439/g, 'i')
.replace(/\u0446/g, 'ts')
.replace(/\u0443/g, 'u')
.replace(/\u043A/g, 'k')
.replace(/\u0435/g, 'e')
.replace(/\u043D/g, 'n')
.replace(/\u0433/g, 'g')
.replace(/\u0448/g, 'sh')
.replace(/\u0449/g, 'sch')
.replace(/\u0437/g, 'z')
.replace(/\u0445/g, 'h')
.replace(/\u044A/g, "'")
.replace(/\u0424/g, 'F')
.replace(/\u042B/g, 'I')
.replace(/\u0412/g, 'V')
.replace(/\u0410/g, 'a')
.replace(/\u041F/g, 'P')
.replace(/\u0420/g, 'R')
.replace(/\u041E/g, 'O')
.replace(/\u041B/g, 'L')
.replace(/\u0414/g, 'D')
.replace(/\u0416/g, 'ZH')
.replace(/\u042D/g, 'E')
.replace(/\u0444/g, 'f')
.replace(/\u044B/g, 'i')
.replace(/\u0432/g, 'v')
.replace(/\u0430/g, 'a')
.replace(/\u043F/g, 'p')
.replace(/\u0440/g, 'r')
.replace(/\u043E/g, 'o')
.replace(/\u043B/g, 'l')
.replace(/\u0434/g, 'd')
.replace(/\u0436/g, 'zh')
.replace(/\u044D/g, 'e')
.replace(/\u042F/g, 'Ya')
.replace(/\u0427/g, 'CH')
.replace(/\u0421/g, 'S')
.replace(/\u041C/g, 'M')
.replace(/\u0418/g, 'I')
.replace(/\u0422/g, 'T')
.replace(/\u042C/g, "'")
.replace(/\u0411/g, 'B')
.replace(/\u042E/g, 'YU')
.replace(/\u044F/g, 'ya')
.replace(/\u0447/g, 'ch')
.replace(/\u0441/g, 's')
.replace(/\u043C/g, 'm')
.replace(/\u0438/g, 'i')
.replace(/\u0442/g, 't')
.replace(/\u044C/g, "'")
.replace(/\u0431/g, 'b')
.replace(/\u044E/g, 'yu');
return text;
Run this sample to transliterate:
I have replaced all russian letters with their unicode analogs (each letter begins with \u) to solve problems with encoding in Javascript file.
To check the execution speed, i took the best answer to this question, and compared it with my example. My method appeared to be faster in several times (0.16 ms in Firebug :-).
By combining recommendations of Bart Riemens and T.J. Crowder I came up with this code, that seams to do the trick nicely:
function transliterate(word){
var answer = "";
var a = {}
for (i = 0; i < word.length; ++i){
answer += a[word[i]] === undefined ? word[i] : a[word[i]];
return answer;
Than you!
Do not use an array for this task. Do not use for in
to iterate a string. Do not check against the string "undefined"
. Do not return
within the for
function transliterate(word) {
var A = {};
var result = '';
for(var i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
var c = word.charAt(i);
result += A[c] || c;
return result;
Here is a jsFiddle demonstration.
Your primary problem is that the return
is in the wrong place. It's inside your loop, so it returns on the first iteration. Change it to:
function transliterate(word){
var answer = "";
A = new Array();
for (i in word){
if (A[word[i]] === 'undefined'){
answer += word[i];
else {
answer += A[word[i]];
return answer; // <=== Was *above* the } on the previous line
Note that I've fixed the indentation. Consistent indentation helps you avoid these sorts of bugs.
Note 1: There's nothing about your A
object that uses the fact it's an Array
. You're just using it as a map. In JavaScript, all objects are maps, so rather than A = new Array();
just use A = {};
Note 2: A
and i
are never declared in your function, so you're falling prey to The Horror of Implicit Globals. To fix it, declare them with var
Note 3: Neither using for..in
to loop through the characters of a string, nor using []
to index into the string, is reliable across JavaScript engines. Instead, use for (i = 0; i < word.length; ++i)
and then ch = word.charAt(i);
to get the character at that position, then use ch
in your code within the loop.
Note 4: You can use the Curiously powerful || operator to shorten your code, e.g.:
answer += A[ch] || ch;
Russian symbols in js don't work at all at my system. I don't know why. So I use the next code for this:
It will not only transliterate but replace all punctuation with '_' and lowercase everything.
function translit(str){
var sp = '_';
var text = str.toLowerCase();
var transl = {
'\u0430': 'a', '\u0431': 'b', '\u0432': 'v', '\u0433': 'g', '\u0434': 'd', '\u0435': 'e', '\u0451': 'e', '\u0436': 'zh',
'\u0437': 'z', '\u0438': 'i', '\u0439': 'j', '\u043a': 'k', '\u043b': 'l', '\u043c': 'm', '\u043d': 'n', '\u043e': 'o',
'\u043f': 'p', '\u0440': 'r', '\u0441': 's', '\u0442': 't', '\u0443': 'u', '\u0444': 'f', '\u0445': 'h', '\u0446': 'c',
'\u0447': 'ch', '\u0448': 'sh', '\u0449': 'shch', '\u044a': '\'', '\u044b': 'y', '\u044c': '', '\u044d': 'e', '\u044e': 'yu',
'\u044f': 'ya',
'\u00AB':'_', '\u00BB':'_', // «»
' ': sp, '_': sp, '`': sp, '~': sp,
'!': sp, '@': sp, '#': sp, '$': sp,
'%': sp, '^': sp, '&': sp, '*': sp, '(': sp, ')': sp, '-': sp, '\=': sp,
'+': sp, '[': sp, ']': sp, '\\': sp, '|': sp, '/': sp, '.': sp, ',': sp,
'{': sp, '}': sp, '\'': sp, '"': sp, ';': sp, ':': sp, '?': sp, '<': sp,
'>': sp, '№': sp
var result = '';
var curent_sim = '';
for(i=0; i < text.length; i++) {
if(transl[text[i]] != undefined) {
if(curent_sim != transl[text[i]] || curent_sim != sp){
result += transl[text[i]];
curent_sim = transl[text[i]];
} else {
result += text[i];
curent_sim = text[i];
result = result.replace(/^_/, '').replace(/_$/, ''); // trim
return result
var result = translit('Привет Мир!');
document.getElementById('alias').value = result;
<input name="name" type="text" id="alias" />
The code was originally taken here: http://ajaxs.ru/lesson/js/137-transliteracija_stroki_na_javascript.html and then refactored.
Couple of things...
Here is the code
function transliterate(word){
var answer = ""
, a = {};
for (i in word){
if (word.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (a[word[i]] === undefined){
answer += word[i];
} else {
answer += a[word[i]];
return answer;
More functional one is like this...
var a = {"Ё":"YO","Й":"I","Ц":"TS","У":"U","К":"K","Е":"E","Н":"N","Г":"G","Ш":"SH","Щ":"SCH","З":"Z","Х":"H","Ъ":"'","ё":"yo","й":"i","ц":"ts","у":"u","к":"k","е":"e","н":"n","г":"g","ш":"sh","щ":"sch","з":"z","х":"h","ъ":"'","Ф":"F","Ы":"I","В":"V","А":"a","П":"P","Р":"R","О":"O","Л":"L","Д":"D","Ж":"ZH","Э":"E","ф":"f","ы":"i","в":"v","а":"a","п":"p","р":"r","о":"o","л":"l","д":"d","ж":"zh","э":"e","Я":"Ya","Ч":"CH","С":"S","М":"M","И":"I","Т":"T","Ь":"'","Б":"B","Ю":"YU","я":"ya","ч":"ch","с":"s","м":"m","и":"i","т":"t","ь":"'","б":"b","ю":"yu"};
function transliterate(word){
return word.split('').map(function (char) {
return a[char] || char;