I have this Column Chart using Google\'s Visualization Chart API tools. How would I make it so the y-
If you change your graph type as follow:
google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['linechart']});
will work for you..
I used the following and have not seen fractions since...
The trick seems to be that with 6 gridlines and 5 as lowest 'high' value, the halves and tenths aren't applicable anymore.
The only workaround that I could find to this problem is that... For example, the default grid divisions are 4. You could change that number. But incase of the default (4) the vAxis.maxValue should be divisible by 4, if now increment that number so that it is.
Positive numbers:
You can use vAxis.minValue to set the lowest y-axis gridline, however the actual value of the gridline will be the minimum of what you set and the lowest value in your data, so if you have 0 in your data (as it seems you do for Unsatisfactory), this value will be used for the lowest y-axis gridline.
Whole numbers:
http://groups.google.com/group/google-visualization-api/browse_thread/thread/04a001766367dc0f/84c34338c2808069 - this is an older post, but as there is nothing in the chart API documentation, it seems the functionality to specify whole numbers only is still lacking.
Because the chart defaults to 5 gridlines (this is what you'd like to be able to override), if your highest data value is 2.0 (like in the example) you could force whole numbers by setting vAxis: {maxValue: 5}
, although this may not be the most elegant solution.
This worked for me
vAxis: {minValue:0, format:'#'}
you can use the axisLabels
To use it, you must manually edit your axixLabels as shown here: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/image/docs/chart_params.html#axis_labels
chxp=0:|Excellent|Very Good|Fair|Unsatisfactory|1:|0|1|2