I\'d like to take the modular inverse of a matrix like [[1,2],[3,4]] mod 7 in Python. I\'ve looked at numpy (which does matrix inversion but not modular matrix inversion) an
A hackish trick which works when rounding errors aren't an issue:
A less hackish way is to actually implement gaussian elimination. Here's my code using Gaussian elimination, which I wrote for my own purposes (rounding errors were an issue for me). q is the modulus, which is not necessarily prime.
def generalizedEuclidianAlgorithm(a, b):
if b > a:
return generalizedEuclidianAlgorithm(b,a);
elif b == 0:
return (1, 0);
(x, y) = generalizedEuclidianAlgorithm(b, a % b);
return (y, x - (a / b) * y)
def inversemodp(a, p):
a = a % p
if (a == 0):
print "a is 0 mod p"
return None
if a > 1 and p % a == 0:
return None
(x,y) = generalizedEuclidianAlgorithm(p, a % p);
inv = y % p
assert (inv * a) % p == 1
return inv
def identitymatrix(n):
return [[long(x == y) for x in range(0, n)] for y in range(0, n)]
def inversematrix(matrix, q):
n = len(matrix)
A = np.matrix([[ matrix[j, i] for i in range(0,n)] for j in range(0, n)], dtype = long)
Ainv = np.matrix(identitymatrix(n), dtype = long)
for i in range(0, n):
factor = inversemodp(A[i,i], q)
if factor is None:
raise ValueError("TODO: deal with this case")
A[i] = A[i] * factor % q
Ainv[i] = Ainv[i] * factor % q
for j in range(0, n):
if (i != j):
factor = A[j, i]
A[j] = (A[j] - factor * A[i]) % q
Ainv[j] = (Ainv[j] - factor * Ainv[i]) % q
return Ainv
EDIT: as commenters point out, there are some cases this algorithm fails. It's slightly nontrivial to fix, and I don't have time nowadays. Back then it worked for random matrices in my case (the moduli were products of large primes). Basically, the first non-zero entry might not be relatively prime to the modulus. The prime case is easy since you can search for a different row and swap. In the non-prime case, I think it could be that all leading entries aren't relatively prime so you have to combine them
This little piece of code seems to do it: link
Note the comment below for a little improvement. Seems to do the correct linear algebra as far as I can see. I have never found any option in regular packages so probably taking a code snippet from the web (there are a lot more available) is the easiest approach.
'sympy' package Matrix class function 'sqMatrix.inv_mod(mod)' computes modulo matrix inverse for small and arbitrarily large modulus. By combining sympy with numpy, it becomes easy to compute modulo inverse of 2-D numpy arrays (see the code snippet below):
enter code here
import numpy
from sympy import Matrix
def matInvMod (vmnp, mod):
nr = vmnp.shape[0]
nc = vmnp.shape[1]
if (nr!= nc):
print "Error: Non square matrix! exiting"
vmsym = Matrix(vmnp)
vmsymInv = vmsym.inv_mod(mod)
vmnpInv = numpy.array(vmsymInv)
print "vmnpInv: ", vmnpInv, "\n"
k = nr
vmtest = [[1 for i in range(k)] for j in range(k)] # just a 2-d list
vmtestInv = vmsym*vmsymInv
for i in range(k):
for j in range(k):
#print i, j, vmtrx2[i,j] % mod
vmtest[i][j] = vmtestInv[i,j] % mod
print "test vmk*vkinv % mod \n:", vmtest
return vmnpInv
if __name__ == '__main__':
#p = 271
p =
vm = numpy.array([[1,1,1,1], [1, 2, 4, 8], [1, 4, 16, 64], [1, 5, 25, 125]])
#vminv = modMatInv(vm, p)
vminv = matInvMod(vm, p)
print vminv
vmtestnp = vm.dot(vminv)%p # test mtrx inversion
print vmtestnp
Okay...for those who care, I solved my own problem. It took me a while, but I think this works. It's probably not the most elegant, and should include some more error handling, but it works:
import numpy
import math
from numpy import matrix
from numpy import linalg
def modMatInv(A,p): # Finds the inverse of matrix A mod p
for i in range(0,n):
for j in range(0,n):
return (modInv(int(round(linalg.det(A))),p)*adj)%p
def modInv(a,p): # Finds the inverse of a mod p, if it exists
for i in range(1,p):
if (i*a)%p==1:
return i
raise ValueError(str(a)+" has no inverse mod "+str(p))
def minor(A,i,j): # Return matrix A with the ith row and jth column deleted
for s in range(0,len(minor)):
if p==i:
for t in range(0,len(minor)):
if q==j:
return minor
It can be calculated using Sage (www.sagemath.org) as
Matrix(IntegerModRing(7), [[1, 2], [3,4]]).inverse()
Although Sage is huge to install and you have to use the version of python that comes with it which is a pain.
Unfortunately numpy does not have modular arithmetic implementations. You can always code up the proposed algorithm using row reduction or determinants as demonstrated here. A modular inverse seems to be quite useful for cryptography.