I want to inflate an xml layout in a service. How do you do this? I tried to use inflater and Window Manager but I think it don\'t work. Any tactics on this? Thanks.
<it is possible to place a graphic on the service the code is this:
li = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
wm = (WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE);
WindowManager.LayoutParams params = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
//WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD |
WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY,// | WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT,
WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL,
params.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.TOP;
myview = li.inflate(R.layout.traslucent, null);
wm.addView(myview, params);