I\'m sorry for asking this sort of questions, but I really couldn\'t find the answer in Google. So say I have a class with private String myColor
and I have a s
If I understand your question correctly... You should create public getters and setters:
public void setMyColor(String color) {
this.myColor = color;
public String getMyColor {
return this.myColor;
You can use reflection to inspect the content of any object, as follows:
Object o = ...; // The object you want to inspect
Class<?> c = o.getClass();
Field f = c.getDeclaredField("myColor");
String valueOfMyColor = (String) f.get(o);
Note that getDeclaredField() will only return field's declared by the object's class. If you're looking for a field that was declared by a superclass you should loop over all classes of the object (by repeatedly doing c = c.getSuperclass() until c == null)
If you want to change the value of the field you can use the set method:
f.set(o, "some-new-value-for-field-f-in-o")
Additional details: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/reflect/Field.html
You can use getField(...) which will search on super class if not found in class.
Based on the edit, my suggestion is to use a Map to contain a map of preference name to appropriate text field or other text component. Just build the map when you build the user interface.
Map<String, JTextField> guiFields = new HashMap<String, JTextField>();
Then you can have the code do
You must create a 'mutator' to modify private member variables.
class example{
private string myColor;
public void changeColor(string newColor){
myColor = newColor;
It depends where you want to do this. Inside the class you simply whatever with it, e.g:
myColor = "blah blah";
From outside, you need to have some public method generally as other posts indicated. In all cases, you have to be careful if your environment in multi-threaded. Class level variables are not thread safe.