I want to know the simplest way to plot vectors in MATLAB. For example:
a = [2 3 5];
b = [1 1 0];
c = a + b;
I want to visualize this vect
a = [2 3 5];
b = [1 1 0];
c = a+b;
starts = zeros(3,3);
ends = [a;b;c];
quiver3(starts(:,1), starts(:,2), starts(:,3), ends(:,1), ends(:,2), ends(:,3))
axis equal
% draw simple vector from pt a to pt b
% wtr : with respect to
scale=0;%for drawin vectors with true scale
a = [10 20 30];% wrt origine O(0,0,0)
b = [10 10 20];% wrt origine O(0,0,0)
starts=a;% a now is the origine of my vector to draw (from a to b) so we made a translation from point O to point a = to vector a
c = b-a;% c is the new coordinates of b wrt origine a
hold on
quiver3(starts(:,1), starts(:,2), starts(:,3), ends(:,1), ends(:,2), ends(:,3),scale);% Use scale = 0 to plot the vectors without the automatic scaling.
% axis equal
hold off
I agree with Aamir that the submission arrow.m from Erik Johnson on the MathWorks File Exchange is a very nice option. You can use it to illustrate the different methods of vector addition like so:
Tip-to-tail method:
o = [0 0 0]; %# Origin
a = [2 3 5]; %# Vector 1
b = [1 1 0]; %# Vector 2
c = a+b; %# Resultant
arrowStarts = [o; a; o]; %# Starting points for arrows
arrowEnds = [a; c; c]; %# Ending points for arrows
arrow(arrowStarts,arrowEnds); %# Plot arrows
Parallelogram method:
o = [0 0 0]; %# Origin
a = [2 3 5]; %# Vector 1
b = [1 1 0]; %# Vector 2
c = a+b; %# Resultant
arrowStarts = [o; o; o]; %# Starting points for arrows
arrowEnds = [a; b; c]; %# Ending points for arrows
arrow(arrowStarts,arrowEnds); %# Plot arrows
hold on;
lineX = [a(1) b(1); c(1) c(1)]; %# X data for lines
lineY = [a(2) b(2); c(2) c(2)]; %# Y data for lines
lineZ = [a(3) b(3); c(3) c(3)]; %# Z data for lines
line(lineX,lineY,lineZ,'Color','k','LineStyle',':'); %# Plot lines
I'm not sure of a way to do this in 3D, but in 2D you can use the compass
I found this arrow(start, end) function on MATLAB Central which is perfect for this purpose of drawing vectors with true magnitude and direction.
I did it this way,
% vectors I want to plot as rows (XSTART, YSTART) (XDIR, YDIR)
rays = [
1 2 1 0 ;
3 3 0 1 ;
0 1 2 0 ;
2 0 0 2 ;
] ;
% quiver plot
quiver( rays( :,1 ), rays( :,2 ), rays( :,3 ), rays( :,4 ) );
% vectors I want to plot as rows (XSTART, YSTART, ZSTART) (XDIR, YDIR, ZDIR)
rays = [
1 2 0 1 0 0;
3 3 2 0 1 -1 ;
0 1 -1 2 0 8;
2 0 0 0 2 1;
] ;
% quiver plot
quiver3( rays( :,1 ), rays( :,2 ), rays( :,3 ), rays( :,4 ), rays( :,5 ), rays( :,6 ) );
Based on the quiver and quiver3 documentation