I kind of know the syntax of asynchronous programming in F#. E.g.
let downloadUrl(url:string) = async {
let req = HttpWebRequest.Create(url)
// Run oper
It's not really about "time gained." Asynchronous programming won't make the data arrive any faster. Rather, it's about simplifying the mental model for concurrency.
In C#, for example, if you want to perform an async operation, you need to start mucking around with callbacks, and passing local state to those callbacks, and so on. For a simple operation like the one in Expert F# with two async operations, you're looking at three seemingly separate methods (the initiator and two callbacks). This disguises the sequential, conceptually linear nature of the workflow: do request, read stream, print results.
By contrast, the F# async workflow code makes the sequencing of the program very clear. You can tell exactly what is happening in what order just by looking at the one block of code. You don't need to chase callbacks.
That said, F# does have mechanisms which can help save time if there are several independent async operations in progress. For example, you can kick off multiple async workflows at the same time, and they will run in parallel. But within a single async workflow instance, it's primarily about simplicity, safety and understandability: about letting you reason about asynchronous sequences of statements as easily as you reason about C#-style synchronous sequences of statements.
I think the most important thing to understand about asynchronous workflows is that they are sequential in the same way as ordinary code written in F# (or C#, for that matter) is sequential. You have some let
bindings that evaluate in the usual order and some expressions (that may have side-effects). In fact, asynchronous workflows often look more like imperative code.
The second important aspect of asynchronous workflows is that they are non-blocking. This means that you can have operations that are executed in some non-standard way and do not block the thread while executing. (In general, let!
in F# computation expressions always signals that there is some non-standard behavior - it may be possibility to fail without producing result in the Maybe monad, or it may be non-blocking execution for asynchronous workflows).
Technically speaking, non-blocking execution is implemented by registering some callback that will be triggered when the operation completes. Relatively simple example is an asynchronous workflow that waits some specified time - this can be implemented using Timer
without blocking any threads (Example from chapter 13 of my book, source is available here):
// Primitive that delays the workflow
let Sleep(time) =
// 'FromContinuations' is the basic primitive for creating workflows
Async.FromContinuations(fun (cont, econt, ccont) ->
// This code is called when workflow (this operation) is executed
let tmr = new System.Timers.Timer(time, AutoReset=false)
tmr.Elapsed.Add(fun _ ->
// Run the rest of the computation
tmr.Start() )
There are also several ways to use F# asynchronous workflows for parallel or concurrent programming, however these are just more sophisticated uses of F# workflows or libraries built on top of them - they take the advantage of non-blocking behavior described earlier.
You can use StartChild
to start a workflow in background - the method gives you a running workflow that you can use (using let!
) later in the workflow to wait for completion, while you can continue doing other things. This is similar to Tasks in .NET 4.0, but it runs asynchronously, so it is more suitable for I/O operations.
You can use Async.Parallel
to create multiple workflows and wait until all of them complete (which is great for data-parallel operations). This is similar to PLINQ, but again, async
is better if you do some I/O operations.
Finally, you can use MailboxProcessor
which allows you to write concurrent applications using the message-passing style (Erlang style). This is a great alternative to threads for many problems.
This is a good question. It is important to note that multiple statements in an async
blocks are not run in parallel. async
blocks essentially yield processor time to other processes while asynchronous requests are pending. So an async
block won't generally run any faster than an equivalent sequence of synchronous operations, but it will allow more work to occur overall. If you're looking to run multiple statements in parallel, you'd be better off looking at the Task Parallel Library.
The "async" in this example is not about concurrency or saving time, rather it's about providing a good programming model without blocking (read: wasting) threads.
If using other programming languages, typically you have two choices:
You can block, typically by calling synchronous methods. The disadvantage is that the thread is consumed and doing no useful work while it waits for the disk or network I/O or what have you. The advantage is it the code simple (normal code).
You can use callbacks to call asynchronously and get notifications when operations complete. The advantage is you don't block threads (these threads can be returned e.g. to the ThreadPool and a new ThreadPool thread will be used when the operation completes to call you back). The disadvantage is that a simple block of code gets divided up into a bunch of callback methods or lambdas, and it quickly becomes very complicated to maintain state/control-flow/exception-handling across the callbacks.
So you're between a rock and a hard place; you either give up the simple programming model or you waste threads.
The F# model gives the best of both worlds; you don't block threads, but you keep the straightforward programming model. Constructs like let!
enable you to 'thread-hop' in the middle of an async block, so in code like
let! x = AsyncOp()
may run on, say, ThreadPool thread #13, but then AsyncOp will release that thread back to the ThreadPool. Later when the AsyncOp completes, the rest of the code will start back up on an available thread (maybe, say, ThreadPool thread #20) which binds x
to the result and then runs Blah2
. In trivial client apps this rarely matters (except when ensuring you don't block the UI thread), but in server apps that do I/O (where threads are often a precious resource - threads are expensive and you can't waste them by blocking) non-blocking I/O is often the only way to make an application scale. F# enables you to write non-blocking I/O without having the program degrade into a mass of spaghetti-code callbacks.
See also
Best practices to parallelize using async workflow
How to do chained callbacks in F#?