What is/are the difference/s of Java\'s JAX-WS and Metro? Are they the same of are they two different JAX-WS implementations?
According to my research, JAX-WS is alr
JAX-WS is an API while Metro is the reference implementation for the JAX-WS API; both are from Sun/Oracle, thus are standard. You can see them as an interface (JAX-WS) and a class implementing the interface (Metro), only at a higher level. Glassfish also uses Metro as implementation for JAX-WS.
To be noted that Metro contains implementation for JAXB and other APIs.
Also, SOAP Web Services are somehow obsolete; the new trend is to use REST Web Services; JAX-RS (with various implementations from the standard Jersey to Restlet or CXF).
Accourding to Metro's home page, "Metro consists of JAX-WS Reference Implementation project and Web Services Interoperability Technology project."
Web Services Interoperability Technologies (WSIT) (previously known as Project Tango) includes implementations of:
Look at this answer for futher information.