I have a few values:
var one = 1.0000
var two = 1.1000
var three = 1.1200
var four = 1.1230
and function:
function tofixed(
The "correct" way to do it is as follows:
return Math.round(num*100)/100;
If you want to truncate it to two decimal places (ie. 1.238 goes to 1.23 instead of 1.24), use floor
instead of round
returns a string. Just parse it as a float again:
return parseFloat(val.toFixed(2));
Assuming you want String outputs
function myFixed(x, d) {
if (!d) return x.toFixed(d); // don't go wrong if no decimal
return x.toFixed(d).replace(/\.?0+$/, '');
myFixed(1.0000, 2); // "1"
myFixed(1.1000, 2); // "1.1"
myFixed(1.1200, 2); // "1.12"
myFixed(1.1230, 2); // "1.12"