Logcat cannot detect app or package names

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春和景丽 2020-12-25 12:06

I\'m using Android Studio (Beta) 0.8.7 and my logcat has been working fine for months. All of a sudden my logcat is unable to detect any app or package names. This means I c

  • 2020-12-25 12:43

    What i did: First i tried ADB integration. Then i rebooted the device and it worked. My opinion: I don't think ADB integration will solve it.

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  • 2020-12-25 12:44

    Same problem here with Android Studio 1.0 RC2. The Device Monitor shows the application name but in Android Studio's logcat panel, the package name is always a question mark.

    I fixed the problem by Checking Tools / Android / Enable ADB Integration and then restarting adb.

    A simpler way to is to Debug any app, if ADB integration is disabled, Android Studio will prompt you to enable.

    You have to enable ADB integration to launch debugging. Do you want to do that?

    Click Yes, of course.

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  • 2020-12-25 12:47

    Ran to the same problem on android studio.Tried connecting to the emulator(Intel emulator image with virtualization) and launched the app on the emulator and see if the application field comes back to logcat by logging with your app

    Also do not forget to add - android:debuggable="true" under application in your AndroiManifest.xml

    Eclipse don't see this problem because apparently Eclipse enables debugging automatically

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  • 2020-12-25 12:47

    Non of above method (1: check Enable ADB Integration, 2: use debug mode) work.... It become normal just "Randomly". Has anyone got the same situation as mine?

    **** Update the method works for me ******

    1. close the eclipse (I use it for my another java project)
    2. in terminal, type "adb kill-server"
    3. restart the Android Studio.
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  • 2020-12-25 12:51

    This is what worked for me: My Tools / Android / Enable ADB Integration was already ticked, but package name was not on log cat. I unticked ADB Integration and again clicked to re-enable (tick) ADB Integration. Magically, the package name was there in log cat. Not sure if this works for all.

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  • 2020-12-25 12:52

    This question helped me with my issue and I would like to add my humble addition about solving this problem when it appears again even with enabled ADB integration.

    Simply start Android Studio before emulator. I'm using Genymotion(2.6.0) and used to start it before Android Studio(2.1.2) in my situation this bug was revealed.

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