I\'m drawing a HUGE blank here.
Everything I\'ve found is about getting an index from a given row and column, but how do I get a row and a column from an in
Swift 4
typealias ColumnRowType = (column:Int, row:Int)
func indexToColumnRow(index:Int, columns:Int) -> ColumnRowType
let columnIndex = (index % columns)
let rowIndex = /*floor*/(index / columns) // we just cast to an `Int`
return ColumnRowType(columnIndex, rowIndex)
In java, with a column offset of 1, this is a way to do it
int offset=1;
column = Math.floorDiv(location-offset , 3)+offset;
row = ( (location-offset) %3 )+offset ;
For a zero-based index, the two operations are:
row = (int)(index / width)
column = index % width
I'm using %
here since I'm a C guy and, though you haven't specified your language, it certainly looks like one of the C-based ones.
If your question does not pertain to C or its brethren, it will be whatever the modulo operator is for your particular environment, the remainder left over when you divide index
by width
If you don't have a modulo operator, you can use:
row = (int)(index / width)
column = index - (row * width)
Paxdiablo's answer is the right one. If someone needs the reverse process to get index from row and column:
index = (row * width) + column