The black lines are awful, how can I get rid of them? I want only the colored surfaces.
This is a more general solution, you can change the edgeColor after the surface has been created too. It does not rely on LineStyle and FaceLighting.
a= peaks(1000);
h = surf(a)
set(h, ‘edgecolor’,'none’)
Note, I have made a 45 second video that shows this occurring and how to fix it.
Another choice is to set the edgeColor and/or lineStyle properties of the surface handle object to none.
>> hSurf = surf(X,Y,Z,'EdgeColor','none','LineStyle','none','FaceLighting','phong');
I believe shading interp
is the one you're looking for.
The shading command is your friend:
shading flat - gives you the surface without mesh lines
shading interp - interpolates colours between patches to give a smooth finish
shading faceted - gives you the surface with black mesh lines (similar to flat)