I\'m trying insert a line in a property file using ansible. I want to add some property if it does not exist, but not replace it if such property already exists in the file.
Looks like it does not work if you use backrefs.
Following sample does not add a line
- name: add hosts file entry
path: "/etc/hosts"
regexp: "foohost"
line: " foohost"
state: present
backrefs: yes
After removing backrefs I got my line added to the file
- name: add hosts file entry
path: "/etc/hosts"
regexp: "foohost"
line: " foohost"
state: present
By a long way of "Trials and errors" I come to this:
- name: check existence of line in the target file
command: grep -Fxq "ip addr add {{ item }}/32 dev lo label lo:{{ app | default('app') }}" /etc/rc.local
changed_when: false
failed_when: false
register: ip_test
- "{{ list_of_ips }}"
- name: add autostart command
lineinfile: dest=/etc/rc.local
line="ip addr add {{ item.item }}/32 dev lo label lo:{{ app | default('app') }}"
insertbefore="exit 0"
when: item.rc == 1
- "{{ ip_test.results }}"
We have tried the below and it worked well. our scenario need to entry "compress" in syslog file if it does not exist.
- name: Checking compress entry present if not add entry
path: /etc/logrotate.d/syslog
regexp: " compress"
state: present
insertafter: " missingok"
line: " compress"
- name: add couchbase.host to properties, works like add or replace
state: present
dest: /database.properties
regexp: '^couchbase.host'
line: 'couchbase.host='