Active Admin allows me to define filters that are displayed on the index page like so:
ActiveAdmin.register Promo do
filter :name
filter :address
I have model WithdrawalRequest which belongs to User model.
For filtering withdrawal requests by user's email need write:
filter :user_id, :as => :select, :collection => {|user| [,]}
This worked for me:
In my model
scope :active, -> { where(inactive_at: nil) }
scope :inactive, -> { where.not(inactive_at: nil) }
ransacker :listing_status, formatter: proc{ |status|
ids = status == 'Active' ? active.ids : inactive.ids
ids = ids.present? ? ids : nil
}, splat_params: true do |parent|
In my admin file
filter :listing_status_in, as: :select, collection: %w(Active Inactive), label: 'Listing Status'
Answering in 2018. ActiveAdmin uses Ransack.
On model itself you need to add Ransack formatter:
ransacker :my_custom_filter, formatter: -> (category_id) {
ids = MyModel.where(category_id: category_id).pluck(:id) # return only id-s of returned items.
ids.present? ? ids : nil # return ids OR nil!
} do |parent| # not sure why this is needed .. but it is :)
In ActiveAdmin file you need to specify the rule:
filter :my_custom_filter_in, as: :select, collection: -> { Category.all } # sometimes my_custom_filter_eq - depending on what you want .. Specify different "as" when you need it.
Active Admin uses the meta_search gem for its filters. ORed conditions syntax allows to combine several fields in one query, for example
Promo.metasearch(:name_or_address_contains => 'brooklyn')
In Active Admin DSL this translates to
ActiveAdmin.register Promo do
filter :name_or_address, :as => :string
Active admin uses metasearch. For example you can do this:
filter :"subscription_billing_plan_name" , :as => :select, :collection =>
Another way of doing such filtering in newer version of active admin:
# app/admin/my_model.rb
filter :my_custom_filter,
as: :numeric,
label: 'Custom Filter',
filters: [:eq]
Then add following 2 functions in your model file
Your filtering logic:
def self.my_custom_filter_eq(value)
where(column_1: value) # or probably a more complex query that uses the value inputted by the admin user
Registering new filter for Ransack
def self.ransackable_scopes(_auth_object = nil)