Is it possible to reopen closed window in vim, that was in split?
Something like ctrl+shift+t with browser tabs?
I've gotten this to work by using bufmru.vim!
The following command, :ReopenLastTab
, will re-split the last-open buffer:
command ReopenLastTab execute "vsplit" bufname(g:bufmru_bnrs[1])
I installed bufmru using Vundle
, as below, but of course you can install it any way you like.
" Install bufmru with Vundle
Plugin 'vim-scripts/bufmru.vim'
let g:bufmru_switchkey = "<c-t>" " I never use this: the default is Space, but I don't need to use it so set it to something I don't care about.
will split current window vertically and open the alternate file.
It's so simple that you don't need to bind it to key.
No need for SHIFT:
nmap <c-t> :vs<bar>:b#<CR>
In conjunction with CTRL the characters are handled equally by vim, capitalized or not.
Actually also in the answer before, CTRLn and CTRLSHIFTN should both work.
If anyone need something more generic I made this function.
Just place it in your .vimrc
" open last closed buffer
function! OpenLastClosed()
let last_buf = bufname('#')
if empty(last_buf)
echo "No recently closed buffer found"
let result = input("Open ". last_buf . " in (n)ormal (v)split, (t)ab or (s)plit ? (n/v/t/s) : ")
if empty(result) || (result !=# 'v' && result !=# 't' && result !=# 's' && result !=# 'n')
if result ==# 't'
execute 'tabnew'
elseif result ==# 'v'
execute "vsplit"
elseif result ==# 's'
execute "split"
execute 'b ' . last_buf
nnoremap <C-t> :call OpenLastClosed() <CR>
Call it with Ctrl+t
and then select where you want to open that file.
Nice question! I was thinking to something like the following:
nmap <c-s-t> :vs<bar>:b#<CR>
It should work as you want.