I\'m using Eclipse Ganymede. Everything works fine, but I have an anal-retentive yearning for a warning-free Problems tab. Right now it (correctly) complains about my Ant
The simplest is to supply a minimal DTD to shut it up.
<!DOCTYPE project>
for ant files
I see an option to disable this in newer versions of Eclipse. It is under: Window, Preferences, XML, XML Files, Validation then change the drop-down "Indicate when no grammar is specified:" from "Warn" to "Ignore"..
Even though this thread is a little older, somebody might find this interesting:
Go to Project Properties -> Validation and follow the screen shots on that page. Should be easy even if you don't speak German. ;-)
This solution worked perfectly for me. Cheers!
You can delete it, and restore it to avoid the warning. It is a bug, obviously.
In fact, as damoco says, this seems to be a bug in Eclipse. If I delete (copy elsewhere) the file from windows, refresh eclipse, and then restore the file, and refresh again, the warning goes away.
I'm using Eclipse Galileo build 20090621-0832.
Being with Brian on the "anal-retentive yearning for a warning-free Problems tab", I finally decided to get serious about solving this. Thanks to Martin's leading, it looks like a done deal.
However, instead of Project -> Properties, it's solvable globally via Windows -> Preferences.