How can I hide an HTML table row You need to put the change the input type to hidden, all the functions of it work but it is not visible on the page as long as the input type is set to that you can change the rest.
Good Luck!! You can use style display:none with tr to hide and it will work with all browsers. HTML: JavaScript: You can set Thought I'd add to this a potential other solution: I've only tested it on Chrome but putting this on the Again, I'm in a purely chrome environment so I have no idea how this functions in other browsers. so that it takes up no space? I have several \'s set to style=\"display:none;\"
<input type="hidden" name="" id="" value="">
position: absolute
will remove it from the layout flow and should solve your problem - the element will remain in the DOM but won't affect others.<input type="checkbox" id="attraction" checked="checked" onchange="updateMap()">poi.attraction</input>
function updateMap() {
map.setOptions({'styles': getStyles() });
function getStyles() {
var styles = [];
for (var i=0; i < types.length; i++) {
var style = {};
var type = types[i];
var enabled = document.getElementById(type).checked;
style['featureType'] = 'poi.' + type;
style['elementType'] = 'labels';
style['stylers'] = [{'visibility' : (enabled ? 'on' : 'off') }];
return styles;
<tr id="result_tr" style="display: none;">
and then show it back with JavaScript:var result_style = document.getElementById('result_tr').style;
result_style.display = 'table-row';
<tr style='visibility:collapse'><td>stuff</td></tr>
hides the row PLUS all the cells inside the row still contribute to the widths of the columns. I will sometimes make an extra row at the bottom of a table with just some spacers that make it so certain columns can't be less than a certain width, then hide the row using this method. (I know you're supposed to be able to do this with other css but I've never gotten that to work)