In the earlier versions of MongoDB Java drivers , to run a query and do unordered bulk upsert on the result all we had do was :
BulkWriteOperation bulk = dbC
If you want something findAndModifyElseCreate(); That means if the document exist then update it else create it and insert the data then PLEASE FOLLOW THIS.
BasicDBObject insertInCaseDocumentNotFound = new BasicDBObject();
insertInCaseDocumentNotFound.put("field1", "value1");
insertInCaseDocumentNotFound.put("date", new Date());
MongoCollection<BasicDBObject> table = db.getCollection("collectionName",BasicDBObject.class);
BasicDBObject updateObject = new BasicDBObject();
updateObject.append("$setOnInsert", new BasicDBObject());
updateObject.append("$set", new BasicDBObject("date",new Date());
List<WriteModel<BasicDBObject>> updates = Arrays.<WriteModel<BasicDBObject>> asList(
new UpdateOneModel<BasicDBObject>(new BasicDBObject("search_name", alert.getString("search_name")), // query for which we need to apply
updateObject, // update the document in case it is found
new UpdateOptions().upsert(true) // upsert to insert new data in case document is not found
You can still use all of the functionality, it's just that BulkWrites now have a different syntax:
MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("sample");
List<WriteModel<Document>> updates = Arrays.<WriteModel<Document>>asList(
new UpdateOneModel<Document>(
new Document(), // find part
new Document("$set",1), // update part
new UpdateOptions().upsert(true) // options like upsert
BulkWriteResult bulkWriteResult = collection.bulkWrite(updates);
So you use the UpdateOneModel ( or for many if you want ) and set the UpdateOptions as the third argument to the constructor.
Takes some getting used to, but it's basically just building "Lists" with all the same syntax as elsewhere. I guess that's the main reason for the change.
Here is the example using latest APIs..
for (Long entityId : entityIDs) {
//Finder doc
Document filterDocument = new Document();
filterDocument.append("_id", entityId);
//Update doc
Document updateDocument = new Document();
Document setDocument = new Document();
setDocument.append("name", "xyz");
setDocument.append("role", "abc");
updateDocument.append("$set", setDocument);
//Update option
UpdateOptions updateOptions = new UpdateOptions();
updateOptions.upsert(true); //if true, will create a new doc in case of unmatched find
updateOptions.bypassDocumentValidation(true); //set true/false
//Prepare list of Updates
new UpdateOneModel<Document>(
//Bulk write options
BulkWriteOptions bulkWriteOptions = new BulkWriteOptions();
MongoCollection<Document> mongoCollection = mongoDB.getCollection("myCollection");
BulkWriteResult bulkWriteResult = null;
try {
//Perform bulk update
bulkWriteResult = mongoCollection.bulkWrite(updateDocuments,
} catch (BulkWriteException e) {
//Handle bulkwrite exception
List<BulkWriteError> bulkWriteErrors = e.getWriteErrors();
for (BulkWriteError bulkWriteError : bulkWriteErrors) {
int failedIndex = bulkWriteError.getIndex();
Long failedEntityId = entityIDs.get(failedIndex);
System.out.println("Failed record: " + failedEntityId);
//handle rollback
int rowsUpdated = bulkWriteResult.getModifiedCount();
Details at: