I have a JNI method to access java method which returns an Integer object. I do not want to return the primitive int type because this code will be modified to handle Generi
You have to invoke the intValue
method on the Integer instance to get its primitive value. Use FindClass
instead of GetObjectClass
(as in your code) to get a reference to the class java.lang.Integer and then GetMethodID
and CallObjectMethod
to actually invoke the intValue
Thanks Jarnbjo,
It works now! This is what I have:
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_GenericPeer_print (JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls, jobject data){
jclass peerCls = jenv->GetObjectClass(data);
jmethodID mGetValue = jenv->GetMethodID(peerCls, "getValue","()Ljava/lang/Integer;");
if (mGetValue == NULL){
jobject value = jenv->CallObjectMethod(data, mGetValue);
if(value == NULL){
cout<<"jobject value = NULL"<<endl;
jclass cls = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/Integer");
if(cls == NULL){
outFile<<"cannot find FindClass(java/lang/Integer)"<<endl;
jmethodID getVal = jenv->GetMethodID(cls, "intValue", "()I");
if(getVal == NULL){
outFile<<"Couldnot find Int getValue()"<<endl;
int i = jenv->CallIntMethod(value, getVal);