I need some JS code that will take the created_at
value from a Twitter feed and display it as xxxx ago.
I can find examples of creating the xxxx a
You can use prettyDate
by john Resig. It has also a JQuery plugin.
I'm using jquery timeago:
var timeago = document.createElement('time')
var dt = new Date(Date.parse(data['status']['created_at']));
var datetimestr = '' + dt.getFullYear() + '-' + ("0" + (dt.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' + dt.getDate() + 'T' + dt.getHours() + ':' + dt.getMinutes() + ':' + dt.getSeconds() + 'Z'
$(timeago).addClass('timeago').attr('datetime', datetimestr).text(data['status']['created_at']);
if(jQuery().timeago) {$(timeago).timeago();}
More on timeago: http://timeago.yarp.com
May be hella late but I just found out splitting the string by spaces and creating variables accordingly, easily allows you to breakdown the date.
// Ex. Thu Sep 28 03:40:33 +0000 2017
var tweetDate = data.tweet[i].created_at;
tweetDate = tweetDate.split(' ');
var tweetMo = tweetDate[1];
From the comments, and some code from the twitter widget here is the code I came up with:
function parseTwitterDate(tdate) {
var system_date = new Date(Date.parse(tdate));
var user_date = new Date();
if (K.ie) {
system_date = Date.parse(tdate.replace(/( \+)/, ' UTC$1'))
var diff = Math.floor((user_date - system_date) / 1000);
if (diff <= 1) {return "just now";}
if (diff < 20) {return diff + " seconds ago";}
if (diff < 40) {return "half a minute ago";}
if (diff < 60) {return "less than a minute ago";}
if (diff <= 90) {return "one minute ago";}
if (diff <= 3540) {return Math.round(diff / 60) + " minutes ago";}
if (diff <= 5400) {return "1 hour ago";}
if (diff <= 86400) {return Math.round(diff / 3600) + " hours ago";}
if (diff <= 129600) {return "1 day ago";}
if (diff < 604800) {return Math.round(diff / 86400) + " days ago";}
if (diff <= 777600) {return "1 week ago";}
return "on " + system_date;
// from http://widgets.twimg.com/j/1/widget.js
var K = function () {
var a = navigator.userAgent;
return {
ie: a.match(/MSIE\s([^;]*)/)
Using moment.js without any plugin this is the custom format you need to use to parse the awkward Twitter date properly:
var tweetDate = 'Mon Dec 02 23:45:49 +0000 2013';
moment(tweetDate, 'dd MMM DD HH:mm:ss ZZ YYYY', 'en');
import * as luxon from 'luxon';
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/20478182/5932012
const TWITTER_DATE_FORMAT = 'EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss ZZZ yyyy';
export const parseTwitterDate = (dateStr: string): luxon.DateTime =>
luxon.DateTime.fromString(dateStr, TWITTER_DATE_FORMAT);
export const formatTwitterDate = (dateTime: luxon.DateTime): string =>