I have a client in keycloak
for my awx(ansible tower) webpage.
I need only the users from one specific keycloak
group to be able to log in through
I solved it like this:
).Follow-up to Allan's answer: His approach is working (for me ;-) ), though I had some struggle on how to deploy it. This is how I did it:
. Users which don't bear that role won't get access to the application.according docu https://www.keycloak.org/docs/6.0/server_admin/#executions u have to active that feature to add some custom scripts with "add execution".
bin/standalone.sh|bat -Dkeycloak.profile.feature.scripts=enabled
@Allan solution with feature:authenticate looks good to me
On Keycloak admin console, go to Clients menu, select your client. On the client configuration page, set Authorization Enabled: On, click Save. A new Authorization tab should appear, go to it, then to the Policies tab underneath, click Create Policy and select Group-based policy. There, you can restrict access to specific groups, assuming you have defined your groups via the Groups menu already.
--EDIT 2019-11-08--
As mentioned in comments, Client Protocol must be set to openid-connect and Access Type must be set to confidential, in order to make the Authorization Enabled option visible.
I tried Allan's solution and it is working fine using Keycloak 11.0.3 but it has some cons mentioned below. Here is my solution for the authenticator script which does not grant access for users if they are not member at least one of the given groups. In such case a unique error message is shown.
AuthenticationFlowError = Java.type("org.keycloak.authentication.AuthenticationFlowError");
function authenticate(context) {
var allowed_groups = ['foo', 'bar'];
var username = user ? user.username : "anonymous";
var groups = user.getGroups();
var group_array = groups.toArray();
for (var i in group_array) {
var gn = group_array[i].getName();
if (allowed_groups.indexOf(gn) >= 0) {
LOG.info("Access granted for user '" + username + "' for being member of LDAP group '" + gn + "'");
return context.success();
LOG.info("Access denied for user '" + username + ". for not being member of any of the following LDAP groups: " + allowed_groups);
context.failure(AuthenticationFlowError.IDENTITY_PROVIDER_DISABLED, context.form().setError(
"User doesn't have the required LDAP group membership to view this page", null).createForm("error.ftl"));
There are two minor user experience related cons with this solution worth mentioning:
In addition if you maintain multiple clients and you need to have different groups (or roles) checked per client then you have to implement as many new authentication flows as many different checks you need. In short the solution works, but it has some disadvantages. I believe a simple feature such as restricting the access based on groups or roles is essential for an identity and access management system and should be supported natively!
If it can help, here is a script which helps implementing this behaviour for any client: if the client contains a given role (here it is called feature:authenticate
), then the script checks whether the user has the role and shows an error page (a new template that needs to be deployed in the theme) if not.
AuthenticationFlowError = Java.type("org.keycloak.authentication.AuthenticationFlowError");
function authenticate(context) {
var MANDATORY_ROLE = 'feature:authenticate';
var username = user ? user.username : "anonymous";
var client = session.getContext().getClient();
LOG.debug("Checking access to authentication for client '" + client.getName() + "' through mandatory role '" + MANDATORY_ROLE + "' for user '" + username + "'");
var mandatoryRole = client.getRole(MANDATORY_ROLE);
if (mandatoryRole === null) {
LOG.debug("No mandatory role '" + MANDATORY_ROLE + "' for client '" + client.getName() + "'");
return context.success();
if (user.hasRole(mandatoryRole)) {
LOG.info("Successful authentication for user '" + username + "' with mandatory role '" + MANDATORY_ROLE + "' for client '" + client.getName() + "'");
return context.success();
LOG.info("Denied authentication for user '" + username + "' without mandatory role '" + MANDATORY_ROLE + "' for client '" + client.getName() + "'");
return denyAccess(context, mandatoryRole);
function denyAccess(context, mandatoryRole) {
var formBuilder = context.form();
var client = session.getContext().getClient();
var description = !mandatoryRole.getAttribute('deniedMessage').isEmpty() ? mandatoryRole.getAttribute('deniedMessage') : [''];
var form = formBuilder
.setAttribute('clientUrl', client.getRootUrl())
.setAttribute('clientName', client.getName())
.setAttribute('description', description[0])
return context.failure(AuthenticationFlowError.INVALID_USER, form);