When I start
cap production deploy
it fails like this:
DEBUG [4ee8fa7a] Command: cd /home/deploy/myapp/releases/
Edit: Per this pull request, it's now fixed in version 1.1.0
of capistrano-rails
Per this Github issue, another fix is to edit your Capfile
. Comment out these two lines
#require 'capistrano/rails/assets' #require 'capistrano/rails/migrations'
and put this line in
require 'capistrano/rails'
which will correctly set your RAILS_ENV
Based on Marc's answer which definitely seems to be the right one,
you can workaround this until it is fixed upstream by adding this to your config/deploy.rb in the "namespace :deploy" block:
desc 'Provision env before assets:precompile'
task :fix_bug_env do
set :rails_env, (fetch(:rails_env) || fetch(:stage))
before "deploy:assets:precompile", "deploy:fix_bug_env"
This will force loading the env and provisionning RAILS_ENV before assets:precompile is called.
What happens if you add a file:
With this line:
set :stage, :production
Using Cap 3 and capistrano_rails
on rails 4 I was getting the same error; in the environment file(s) being deployed, I set
set :stage, :production
set :rails_env, 'production' # even though doc says only need to do this if it's different
Doc here: https://github.com/capistrano/rails
If you're using passenger, you need to add
rails_env production;
in the in web server's (eg: nginx) .conf where you've specified values for passenger_ruby
and passenger_root
Seems to be a bug in capistrano-rails.
There is a task (rails.rake) that sets the environment either from rails_env or stage:
namespace :deploy do
before :starting, :set_rails_env do
set :rails_env, (fetch(:rails_env) || fetch(:stage))
But this task isn't called before i.e. assets:precompile. So this:
namespace :assets do
task :precompile do
on roles :web do
within release_path do
with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env) do
execute :rake, "assets:precompile"
fails because rails_env is nil if it isn't set explicitly.
If I have the time to dig a little deeper I'll file a bug report.