How to perform stepwise regression in python? There are methods for OLS in SCIPY but I am not able to do stepwise. Any help in this regard
I developed this repository
My Stepwise Selection Classes (best subset, forward stepwise, backward stepwise) are compatible to sklearn. You can do Pipeline and GridSearchCV with my Classes.
The essential part of my code is as follows:
################### Criteria ###################
def processSubset(self, X,y,feature_index):
# Fit model on feature_set and calculate rsq_adj
regr = sm.OLS(y,X[:,feature_index]).fit()
rsq_adj = regr.rsquared_adj
bic = self.myBic(X.shape[0], regr.mse_resid, len(feature_index))
rsq = regr.rsquared
return {"model":regr, "rsq_adj":rsq_adj, "bic":bic, "rsq":rsq, "predictors_index":feature_index}
################### Forward Stepwise ###################
def forward(self,predictors_index,X,y):
# Pull out predictors we still need to process
remaining_predictors_index = [p for p in range(X.shape[1])
if p not in predictors_index]
results = []
for p in remaining_predictors_index:
new_predictors_index = predictors_index+[p]
# Wrap everything up in a nice dataframe
models = pd.DataFrame(results)
# Choose the model with the highest rsq_adj
# best_model = models.loc[models['bic'].idxmin()]
best_model = models.loc[models['rsq'].idxmax()]
# Return the best model, along with model's other information
return best_model
def forwardK(self,X_est,y_est, fK):
models_fwd = pd.DataFrame(columns=["model", "rsq_adj", "bic", "rsq", "predictors_index"])
predictors_index = []
M = min(fK,X_est.shape[1])
for i in range(1,M+1):
models_fwd.loc[i] = self.forward(predictors_index,X_est,y_est)
predictors_index = models_fwd.loc[i,'predictors_index']
# best_model_fwd = models_fwd.loc[models_fwd['bic'].idxmin(),'model']
best_model_fwd = models_fwd.loc[models_fwd['rsq'].idxmax(),'model']
# best_predictors = models_fwd.loc[models_fwd['bic'].idxmin(),'predictors_index']
best_predictors = models_fwd.loc[models_fwd['rsq'].idxmax(),'predictors_index']
return best_model_fwd, best_predictors