The ability to have flash messages (notice, error, warning, etc) with embedded links is nice from a user interaction standpoint. However, embedding an anchor tag inside a f
Glenn Gillen has an approach that he calls Useful Flash Messages in Rails.
I modified his code snippets to be a little more idiomatic (for me at least).
The controller fills the flash like this:
flash[:notice] = "Your profile was updated. %s"
flash[:notice_item] = ["Edit again?", edit_profile_path(@profile)]
You then might have helpers that look something like this:
def render_flash_messages(*keys)
messages = keys.collect do |key|
content_tag(:p, flash_message_with_item(key), :class => "flash #{key}") if flash[key]
content_tag(:div, messages, :id => "flash_messages") unless messages.blank?
def flash_message_with_item(key)
item = flash["#{key}_item".to_sym]
substitution = item.is_a?(Array) ? link_to(*item) : item
flash[key] % substitution
The view looks simply like this:
<%= render_flash_messages(:error, :notice, :warning) %>
The view (via the flash_message_with_item
helper) is responsible for creating the anchor tag, but the controller manages what goes into the flash message including an optional resource for further action.
You could create a helper method to render out partials based on the value passed back in the flash message.
Just thought I would share this, since found answer I was looking for elsewhere:
Works on rails 3.1
flash[:notice] = "Proceed to #{view_context.link_to('login page', login_path)}".html_safe