A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a < b < c, for which, a2 + b2 = c2
For example, 32 + 4
func maxProd(sum:Int)->Int{
var prod = 0
// var b = 0
var c = 0
let bMin:Int = (sum/4)+1 //b can not be less than sum/4+1 as (a+b) must be greater than c as there will be no triangle if this condition is false and any pythagorus numbers can be represented by a triangle.
for b in bMin..<sum/2 {
for a in ((sum/2) - b + 1)..<sum/3{ //as (a+b)>c for a valid triangle
c = sum - a - b
let csquare = Int(pow(Double(a), 2) + pow(Double(b), 2))
if(c*c == csquare){
let newProd = a*b*c
if(newProd > prod){
prod = newProd
return prod
The answers above are good enough but missing one important piece of information a + b > c. ;)
More details will be provided to those who ask.
I think the best approach here is this:
int n = 1000;
unsigned long long b =0;
unsigned long long c =0;
for(int a =1;a<n/3;a++){
b=((a*a)- (a-n)*(a-n)) /(2*(a-n));
cout<<a<<' '<<b<<' '<<c<<endl;
We shall refer to the N and A constant so we will not have to use two loops.
We can do it because
and b=(a^2-(a-n)^2)/(2(a-n))
I got these formulas by solving a system of equations:
As mentioned above, ^ is bitwise xor, not power.
You can also remove the third loop, and instead use
c = 1000-a-b;
and optimize this a little.
for a in 1..1000
for b in a+1..1000
print a, b, c if a*a+b*b=c*c
While as many people have pointed out that your code will work fine once you switch to using pow
. If your interested in learning a bit of math theory as it applies to CS, I would recommend trying to implementing a more effient version using "Euclid's formula" for generating Pythagorean triples (link).