I have two images, one of which is a small icon that is superimposed over the first image. My icon has a white background, so when the icon is placed over the other image, w
No. Not yet...
It is getting very close to possible, though. Check out this article about CSS Filters, an experiemental css feature, that is doing some things client-side that are neat.
CSS Filters
does work for some browsers, but we've found that it causes performance issues in chrome, I have no idea why.
A designer on my team came up with this genius hack, where you create a layer that is mostly transparent, but when it is laid over a white background, it's color will match the color of the surrounding background.
The way this "magical" color is found; is by calculating how much darker each color axis should be for the amount of opacity removed. The formula for this is
255 - ( 255 - x ) / opacity
. The issue is: If the opacity is set too low the formula gives you negative numbers (which can't be used). If the opacity is too high, you'll get some coloring on the non-white portions of your image.
Initially we used a spreadsheet that would do the calculations and through manual trial and error we would find that Goldilox color.
Once we started using sass I realized that this can be accomplished with a binary search. So I created a sass function that does the work for us.
Check out this gist on sassmeister. Pass your background color in-to the opacitator
function on line 56 of the sass-code. and use the generated rgba color in a div (or a pseudo element) to overlay the image.
I also created a working example on codepen.
Actually there is a way although only currently supported on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. If the background color is white, you can add the CSS property:
mix-blend-mode: multiply;
You can read more about it here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/mix-blend-mode
You can make a container for your image. Then for the css of the container:
overflow:hidden; height: (depends on your image, then make it a smaller px); width:100%;
Hope it helps. :)