How can I get the currency symbols for the corresponding currency code with Swift (macOS).
You can use static 'availableIdentifiers' collection, containing all posible identifiers as follows:
extension Locale {
static func locale(from currencyIdentifier: String) -> Locale? {
let allLocales ={ Locale.init(identifier: $0) })
return allLocales.filter({ $0.currencyCode == currencyIdentifier }).first
//converting USD to $a and GBP to £
print(getSymbolForCurrencyCode(code: "USD")!) // prints $
print(getSymbolForCurrencyCode(code: "GBP")!) //prints £
func getSymbolForCurrencyCode(code: String) -> String?
let locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: code)
return locale.displayName(forKey: NSLocale.Key.currencySymbol, value: code)
An imperfect solution I found to get $
instead of US$
or CA$
was to attempt to match the user's current locale to the currency code first. This will work for situations where you're building a mobile app and an API is sending you currency code based on the settings in that user's account. For us the business case is that 99% of users have the same currency code set in their account on the backend (USD
, etc.), where we're getting the information from, as they do on their mobile app where we're displaying currency the way a user would expect to see it (i.e. $50.56
instead of US$ 50.56
- (NSLocale *)localeFromCurrencyCode:(NSString *)currencyCode {
NSLocale *locale = [NSLocale currentLocale];
if (![locale.currencyCode isEqualToString:currencyCode]) {
NSDictionary *localeInfo = @{NSLocaleCurrencyCode:currencyCode};
locale = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:[NSLocale localeIdentifierFromComponents:localeInfo]];
return locale;
func locale(from currencyCode: String) -> Locale {
var locale = Locale.current
if (locale.currencyCode != currencyCode) {
let identifier = NSLocale.localeIdentifier(fromComponents: [NSLocale.Key.currencyCode.rawValue: currencyCode])
locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: identifier) as Locale
return locale;
Swift 4 Version of Pancho's answer, As the String.characters is deprecated now.
We can simply apply dropLast() on String.
func getCurrencySymbol(from currencyCode: String) -> String? {
let locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: currencyCode)
if locale.displayName(forKey: .currencySymbol, value: currencyCode) == currencyCode {
let newlocale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: currencyCode.dropLast() + "_en")
return newlocale.displayName(forKey: .currencySymbol, value: currencyCode)
return locale.displayName(forKey: .currencySymbol, value: currencyCode)
let countryCode = (Locale.current as NSLocale).object(forKey: .currencySymbol) as? String ?? "$"
Above will give current currency Symbol, For UK it gives me = £ Apple Doc
I combined and improved all the suggestion here to have a drop-in(copy/paste) solution for the future readers(you).
It has its own local cache, case insensitive, and have an extension method to provide chaining for String
. Swift
4/5 ready.
How to use:
"USD".currencySymbol //returns "$"
Currency.shared.findSymbol(currencyCode: "TRY") //returns "₺"
XCTAssertEqual("$", "USD".currencySymbol)
XCTAssertEqual("₺", "TRY".currencySymbol)
XCTAssertEqual("€", "EUR".currencySymbol)
XCTAssertEqual("", "ASDF".currencySymbol)
class Currency {
static let shared: Currency = Currency()
private var cache: [String:String] = [:]
func findSymbol(currencyCode:String) -> String {
if let hit = cache[currencyCode] { return hit }
guard currencyCode.count < 4 else { return "" }
let symbol = findSymbolBy(currencyCode)
cache[currencyCode] = symbol
return symbol
private func findSymbolBy(_ currencyCode: String) -> String {
var candidates: [String] = []
let locales = NSLocale.availableLocaleIdentifiers
for localeId in locales {
guard let symbol = findSymbolBy(localeId, currencyCode) else { continue }
if symbol.count == 1 { return symbol }
return candidates.sorted(by: { $0.count < $1.count }).first ?? ""
private func findSymbolBy(_ localeId: String, _ currencyCode: String) -> String? {
let locale = Locale(identifier: localeId)
return currencyCode.caseInsensitiveCompare(locale.currencyCode ?? "") == .orderedSame
? locale.currencySymbol : nil
extension String {
var currencySymbol: String { return Currency.shared.findSymbol(currencyCode: self) }