I am using PdfBox in Java to extract text from PDF files. Some of the input files provided are not valid and PDFTextStripper halts on these files. Is there a clean way to ch
Here an adapted Java version of NinjaCross's code.
* Test if the data in the given byte array represents a PDF file.
public static boolean is_pdf(byte[] data) {
if (data != null && data.length > 4 &&
data[0] == 0x25 && // %
data[1] == 0x50 && // P
data[2] == 0x44 && // D
data[3] == 0x46 && // F
data[4] == 0x2D) { // -
// version 1.3 file terminator
if (data[5] == 0x31 && data[6] == 0x2E && data[7] == 0x33 &&
data[data.length - 7] == 0x25 && // %
data[data.length - 6] == 0x25 && // %
data[data.length - 5] == 0x45 && // E
data[data.length - 4] == 0x4F && // O
data[data.length - 3] == 0x46 && // F
data[data.length - 2] == 0x20 && // SPACE
data[data.length - 1] == 0x0A) { // EOL
return true;
// version 1.3 file terminator
if (data[5] == 0x31 && data[6] == 0x2E && data[7] == 0x34 &&
data[data.length - 6] == 0x25 && // %
data[data.length - 5] == 0x25 && // %
data[data.length - 4] == 0x45 && // E
data[data.length - 3] == 0x4F && // O
data[data.length - 2] == 0x46 && // F
data[data.length - 1] == 0x0A) { // EOL
return true;
return false;
And some simple unit tests:
public void test_valid_pdf_1_3_data_is_pdf() {
assertTrue(is_pdf("%PDF-1.3 CONTENT %%EOF \n".getBytes()));
public void test_valid_pdf_1_4_data_is_pdf() {
assertTrue(is_pdf("%PDF-1.4 CONTENT %%EOF\n".getBytes()));
public void test_invalid_data_is_not_pdf() {
assertFalse(is_pdf("Hello World".getBytes()));
If you come up with any failing unit tests, please let me know.
Here is a method that checks for the presence of %%EOF
with optional checks for white-space characters. You can pass in either a File
or a byte[]
object. There is less restriction for white-space characters in some PDF versions.
public boolean isPdf(byte[] data) {
if (data == null || data.length < 5) return false;
// %PDF-
if (data[0] == 0x25 && data[1] == 0x50 && data[2] == 0x44 && data[3] == 0x46 && data[4] == 0x2D) {
int offset = data.length - 8, count = 0; // check last 8 bytes for %%EOF with optional white-space
boolean hasSpace = false, hasCr = false, hasLf = false;
while (offset < data.length) {
if (count == 0 && data[offset] == 0x25) count++; // %
if (count == 1 && data[offset] == 0x25) count++; // %
if (count == 2 && data[offset] == 0x45) count++; // E
if (count == 3 && data[offset] == 0x4F) count++; // O
if (count == 4 && data[offset] == 0x46) count++; // F
// Optional flags for meta info
if (count == 5 && data[offset] == 0x20) hasSpace = true; // SPACE
if (count == 5 && data[offset] == 0x0D) hasCr = true; // CR
if (count == 5 && data[offset] == 0x0A) hasLf = true; // LF / EOL
if (count == 5) {
String version = data.length > 13 ? String.format("%s%s%s", (char) data[5], (char) data[6], (char) data[7]) : "?";
System.out.printf("Version : %s | Space : %b | CR : %b | LF : %b%n", version, hasSpace, hasCr, hasLf);
return true;
return false;
public boolean isPdf(File file) throws IOException {
return isPdf(file, false);
// With version: 16 bytes, without version: 13 bytes.
public boolean isPdf(File file, boolean includeVersion) throws IOException {
if (file == null) return false;
int offsetStart = includeVersion ? 8 : 5, offsetEnd = 8;
byte[] bytes = new byte[offsetStart + offsetEnd];
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
try {
is.read(bytes, 0, offsetStart); // %PDF-
is.skip(file.length() - bytes.length); // Skip bytes
is.read(bytes, offsetStart, offsetEnd); // %%EOF,SP?,CR?,LF?
} finally {
return isPdf(bytes);
Pdf files begin "%PDF" (open one in TextPad or similar and take a look)
Any reason you can't just read the file with a StringReader and check for this?
Relying on magic numbers does not really appeal to me. I ended up using a preflight library from Apache for this:
compile group: 'org.apache.pdfbox', name: 'preflight', version: '2.0.19'
private boolean isPdf(InputStream fileInputStream) {
try {
PreflightParser preflightParser = new PreflightParser(new ByteArrayDataSource(fileInputStream));
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
PreflightParser has constructors for files and other data sources.
You have to try this....
public boolean isPDF(File file){
file = new File("Demo.pdf");
Scanner input = new Scanner(new FileReader(file));
while (input.hasNextLine()) {
final String checkline = input.nextLine();
if(checkline.contains("%PDF-")) {
// a match!
return true;
return false;
you can find out the mime type of a file (or byte array), so you dont dumbly rely on the extension. I do it with aperture's MimeExtractor (http://aperture.sourceforge.net/) or I saw some days ago a library just for that (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mime-util)
I use aperture to extract text from a variety of files, not only pdf, but have to tweak thinks for pdfs for example (aperture uses pdfbox, but i added another library as fallback when pdfbox fails)