I have a tab bar based app. There are navigation controllers in all 5 tabs with instances of custom view controller setup properly as root view controllers. This loads just
I have also had this strange delay when presenting from tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
looks like an Apple bug.
This solution seems to work well though.
CFRunLoopWakeUp(CFRunLoopGetCurrent()); // Fixes a bug where the main thread may be asleep, especially when using UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone
It seems calling presentViewController:animated:completion
from within tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
is problematic. It's difficult to find anything that stands out when using the Time Profiler in Instruments, also. Sometimes my modal view comes up in less than a second and other times it takes 4s or even 9s.
I think it's related to the underlying UIPresentationController
and layout, which is one of the few things I see when selecting the region of time between tapping on a row and seeing the modal presentation in the Time Profiler.
A Radar exists describing this issue: http://openradar.appspot.com/19563577
The workaround is simple but unsatisfying: delay the presentation slightly to avoid whatever contentious behavior is causing the slowdown.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self presentViewController:nav animated:YES completion:nil];
The common problem with this behaviour is as follows:
one sets selectionStyle = .none
for a cell in the tableView (it seems that it doesn't depend on UITableViewController
subclassing as was written at http://openradar.appspot.com/19563577) and uses at the delegate method
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
animating deselect
tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true)
which implies animation for non-animating cell.
In this case the subsequent view controller presentation has a delay.
There are some workaround solutions including dispatch_async
on main thread, but it is better not to call deselectRow
even without animation on unselectable cells in your code.