Excel's fullname property with OneDrive

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别那么骄傲 2020-12-24 10:12

If I want to use the open Workbook object to get the fullname of an Excel file after saving it, but that file has been synchronized to OneDrive, I get a \"https\" address in

  • 2020-12-24 10:37

    It's possible to improve on Virtuoso's answer to reduce (though not eliminate) the chance that the function returns a "wrong" file location. The problem is that there are various URLs that a workbook's .FullName can be. These are three I'm aware of:

    1. A URL associated with the user's OneDrive
    2. A URL associated with the user's OneDrive for Business
    3. A URL associated with somebody else's OneDrive in the case that that other person has "shared" the file (in which case you open the file via File > Open > Shared with me)

    On my PC I can get the relevant local folders to map the first two URLs via the OneDriveConsumer and OneDriveCommercial environment variables, that exist in addition to the OneDrive environment variable, so the code below makes use of these. I'm not aware that it's possible to handle the "Shared with Me" files and the code below will return their https://-style location.

    Private Function Local_Workbook_Name(ByRef wb As Workbook) As String
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
        Dim OneDrivePath As String
        Dim ShortName As String
        'Check if it looks like a OneDrive location
        If InStr(1, wb.FullName, "https://", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
            'Replace forward slashes with back slashes
            ShortName = Replace(wb.FullName, "/", "\")
            'Remove the first four backslashes
            For i = 1 To 4
                ShortName = Mid(ShortName, InStr(ShortName, "\") + 1)
            'Loop to see if the tentative LocalWorkbookName is the name of a file that actually exists, if so return the name
            For j = 1 To 3
                OneDrivePath = Environ(Choose(j, "OneDrive", "OneDriveCommercial", "OneDriveConsumer"))
                If Len(OneDrivePath) > 0 Then
                    Local_Workbook_Name = OneDrivePath & "\" & ShortName
                    If Dir(Local_Workbook_Name) <> "" Then
                        Exit Function
                    End If
                End If
            Next j
            'Possibly raise an error here when attempt to convert to a local file name fails - e.g. for "shared with me" files
        End If
        Local_Workbook_Name = wb.FullName
    End Function

    Unfortunately, if files exist with identical paths within both the OneDrive folder and the OneDrive for Business folder, then the code can't distinguish between them, and may return the "wrong one". I don't have a solution for that.

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  • 2020-12-24 10:40
    Option Explicit
    Private coll_Locations As Collection            ' using Collection but could just as easily use Dictionary
    Public Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
    Public Function getOneDrv_PathFor(ByVal sPath As String, Optional ByVal sType As String = "") As String
    ' convert start of passed in path from URL to Local or vice.versa, (for OneDrive Sync'd folders)
    ' sType : if starts L(ocal) return local path, if starts U(rl) then return URL Path, else return other mode to that passed in
        Dim sPathNature As String
        Dim vKey As Variant
        Dim Slash As String, Slash2 As String
        getOneDrv_PathFor = sPath ' return unchanged if no action required or recognised
        sType = UCase(Left(sType, 1))
        If sType <> "L" And sType <> "U" Then sType = ""
        sPathNature = IIf(Left(sPath, 4) = "http", "U", "L")
        If sType <> "" And sType = sPathNature Then Exit Function  ' nothing to do
        If coll_Locations Is Nothing Then get_Locations
        For Each vKey In coll_Locations
            If InStr(1, sPath, vKey, vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
                Slash = IIf(sPathNature = "U", "/", "\")
                Slash2 = IIf(Slash = "/", "\", "/")
                getOneDrv_PathFor = coll_Locations(vKey) & Replace(Mid(sPath, Len(vKey) + 1), Slash, Slash2)
                Exit For
            End If
    End Function
    Private Sub get_Locations()
    ' collect possible OneDrive: URL vs Local paths
        Dim oWMI As Object
        Dim sRegPath As String, arrSubKeys() As Variant, vSubKey As Variant
        Dim sServiceEndPointUri As String, sUserFolder As String
        Set coll_Locations = New Collection
        Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
        sRegPath = "Software\Microsoft\OneDrive\Accounts\"
        oWMI.EnumKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sRegPath, arrSubKeys
        For Each vSubKey In arrSubKeys
            oWMI.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sRegPath & vSubKey, "ServiceEndPointUri", sServiceEndPointUri
            oWMI.GetStringValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sRegPath & vSubKey, "UserFolder", sUserFolder
            If sServiceEndPointUri <> "" And sUserFolder <> "" Then
                If Right(sServiceEndPointUri, 5) = "/_api" Then sServiceEndPointUri = Left(sServiceEndPointUri, Len(sServiceEndPointUri) - 4) & "Documents/"
                sUserFolder = sUserFolder & "\"
                coll_Locations.Add Item:=sServiceEndPointUri, Key:=sUserFolder
                coll_Locations.Add Item:=sUserFolder, Key:=sServiceEndPointUri
            End If
        Set oWMI = Nothing
    End Sub
    Public Sub listOneDrv_Locations()
        ' to list what's in the collection
         Dim vKey As Variant
        ' Set coll_Locations = Nothing
        If coll_Locations Is Nothing Then get_Locations
        For Each vKey In coll_Locations
            Debug.Print vKey, coll_Locations(vKey)
    End Sub

    Then to get the LocalPath would be strLocalPath = getOneDrv_PathFor(strCurrentPath, "Local")

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  • 2020-12-24 10:41

    I guess there is a little bug in the code of JK2017: The"ShortName"-variable has to be rebuilt at every start of these 3 versions of OneDrive. So ist has to be inside the 'For i = 1 To 3' loop. I have also added the choise to get only the path instead of the full filename.

    Private Function Local_Workbook_Name(ByRef wb As Workbook, Optional bPathOnly As Boolean = False) As String
    'returns local wb path or nothing if local path not found
    Dim i As Long, x As Long
    Dim OneDrivePath As String
    Dim ShortName As String
    Dim testWbkPath As String
    Dim OneDrivePathFound As Boolean
    'Check if it looks like a OneDrive location
    If InStr(1, wb.FullName, "https://", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        'loop through three OneDrive options
        For i = 1 To 3
            'Replace forward slashes with back slashes
            ShortName = Replace(wb.FullName, "/", "\")
            'Remove the first four backslashes
            For x = 1 To 4
                ShortName = RemoveTopFolderFromPath(ShortName)
            'Choose the version of Onedrive
            OneDrivePath = Environ(Choose(i, "OneDrive", "OneDriveCommercial", "OneDriveConsumer"))
            If Len(OneDrivePath) > 0 Then
                'Loop to see if the tentative LocalWorkbookName is the name of a file that actually exists, if so return the name
                Do While ShortName Like "*\*"
                    testWbkPath = OneDrivePath & "\" & ShortName
                    If Not (Dir(testWbkPath)) = vbNullString Then
                        OneDrivePathFound = True
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                    'remove top folder in path
                    ShortName = RemoveTopFolderFromPath(ShortName)
            End If
            If OneDrivePathFound Then Exit For
        Next i
        If bPathOnly Then
            Local_Workbook_Name = RemoveFileNameFromPath(wb.FullName)
            Local_Workbook_Name = wb.FullName
        End If
    End If
    If OneDrivePathFound Then
            If bPathOnly Then
            Local_Workbook_Name = RemoveFileNameFromPath(testWbkPath)
            Local_Workbook_Name = testWbkPath
        End If
    End If
    End Function
    Function RemoveTopFolderFromPath(ByVal ShortName As String) As String
       RemoveTopFolderFromPath = Mid(ShortName, InStr(ShortName, "\") + 1)
    End Function
    Function RemoveFileNameFromPath(ByVal ShortName As String) As String
       RemoveFileNameFromPath = Mid(ShortName, 1, Len(ShortName) - InStr(StrReverse(ShortName), "\"))
    End Function
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-24 10:45

    Instead of using the variable ThisWorkbook.Path use Environ("OneDrive").

    Option Explicit
    Function TransferURL(wbkURL As String) As String
    ' Converts the URL of a OneDrive into a path.
    ' Returns the path's name.
        Dim oFs As Object
        Dim oFl As Object
        Dim oSubFl As Object
        Dim pos As Integer
        Dim pathPart As String
        Dim oneDrive As String
        Dim subFl As String
        Set oFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        ' Check the version of OneDrive.
        If VBA.InStr(1, _
                     VBA.UCase(wbkURL), "MY.SHAREPOINT.COM") = 0 Then
            oneDrive = "OneDriveConsumer"
            oneDrive = "OneDriveCommercial"
        End If
        Set oFl = oFs.GetFolder(Environ(oneDrive))
        ' Iteration over OneDrive's subfolders.
        For Each oSubFl In oFl.SUBFOLDERS
            subFl = "/" & VBA.Mid(oSubFl.Path, _
                                  VBA.Len(Environ(oneDrive)) + 2) & "/"
            ' Check if part of the URL.
            If VBA.InStr(1, _
                         wbkURL, subFl) > 0 Then
                ' Determine the path after OneDrive's folder.
                pos = VBA.InStr(1, _
                                wbkURL, subFl)
                pathPart = VBA.Mid(VBA.Replace(wbkURL, "/", _
                                               Application.PathSeparator), pos)
            End If
        TransferURL = Environ(oneDrive) & pathPart
    End Function

    Call the function by:

    ' Check if path specification as URL.
    If VBA.Left(VBA.UCase(oWbk.Path), _
                5) = "HTTPS" Then
        ' Call ...
        pathName = TransferURL(oWbk.Path)
    End If

    The differentiation between OneDriveConsumer and OneDriveCommercial is derived from:


    Edited by MatChrupczalski Thursday, May 9, 2019 5:45 PM

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  • 2020-12-24 10:46

    Horoman's version (2020-03-30) is good because it works on both private and commercial OneDrive. However it crashed on me because the line "LocalFullName = oneDrivePath & Application.PathSeparator & endFilePath" inserts a slash between oneDrivePath & endFilePath. Moreover, one should really try out paths "OneDriveCommercial" and "OneDriveConsumer" before "OneDrive". So here's the code that works for me:

    Sub TestLocalFullName()
        Debug.Print "URL: " & ActiveWorkbook.FullName
        Debug.Print "Local: " & LocalFullName(ActiveWorkbook.FullName)
        Debug.Print "Test: " & Dir(LocalFullName(ActiveWorkbook.FullName))
    End Sub
    Private Function LocalFullName$(ByVal fullPath$)
        'Finds local path for a OneDrive file URL, using environment variables of OneDrive
        'Reference https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33734706/excels-fullname-property-with-onedrive
        'Authors: Philip Swannell 2019-01-14, MatChrupczalski 2019-05-19, Horoman 2020-03-29, P.G.Schild 2020-04-02
        Dim ii&
        Dim iPos&
        Dim oneDrivePath$
        Dim endFilePath$
        If Left(fullPath, 8) = "https://" Then 'Possibly a OneDrive URL
            If InStr(1, fullPath, "my.sharepoint.com") <> 0 Then 'Commercial OneDrive
                'For commercial OneDrive, path looks like "https://companyName-my.sharepoint.com/personal/userName_domain_com/Documents" & file.FullName)
                'Find "/Documents" in string and replace everything before the end with OneDrive local path
                iPos = InStr(1, fullPath, "/Documents") + Len("/Documents") 'find "/Documents" position in file URL
                endFilePath = Mid(fullPath, iPos) 'Get the ending file path without pointer in OneDrive. Include leading "/"
            Else 'Personal OneDrive
                'For personal OneDrive, path looks like "https://d.docs.live.net/d7bbaa#######1/" & file.FullName
                'We can get local file path by replacing "https.." up to the 4th slash, with the OneDrive local path obtained from registry
                iPos = 8 'Last slash in https://
                For ii = 1 To 2
                    iPos = InStr(iPos + 1, fullPath, "/") 'find 4th slash
                Next ii
                endFilePath = Mid(fullPath, iPos) 'Get the ending file path without OneDrive root. Include leading "/"
            End If
            endFilePath = Replace(endFilePath, "/", Application.PathSeparator) 'Replace forward slashes with back slashes (URL type to Windows type)
            For ii = 1 To 3 'Loop to see if the tentative LocalWorkbookName is the name of a file that actually exists, if so return the name
                oneDrivePath = Environ(Choose(ii, "OneDriveCommercial", "OneDriveConsumer", "OneDrive")) 'Check possible local paths. "OneDrive" should be the last one
                If 0 < Len(oneDrivePath) Then
                    LocalFullName = oneDrivePath & endFilePath
                    Exit Function 'Success (i.e. found the correct Environ parameter)
                End If
            Next ii
            'Possibly raise an error here when attempt to convert to a local file name fails - e.g. for "shared with me" files
            LocalFullName = vbNullString
            LocalFullName = fullPath
        End If
    End Function
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-24 10:46

    The different number of slashes "/" could be related with different versions of OneDrive (private/professional). Compare MatChrupczalski post on the msdn website: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/1331519b-1dd1-4aa0-8f4f-0453e1647f57/how-to-get-physical-path-instead-of-url-onedrive?forum=officegeneral

    Therefore I adapted the function to the following:

    Sub TestMySolution()
      MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.FullName & vbCrLf & LocalFullName(ActiveWorkbook.FullName)
    End Sub
    ' 29.03.2020 Horoman
    ' main parts by Philip Swannell 14.01.2019    
    ' combined with parts from MatChrupczalski 19.05.2019
    ' using environment variables of OneDrive
    Private Function LocalFullName(ByVal fullPath As String) As String
      Dim i As Long, j As Long
      Dim oneDrivePath As String
      Dim endFilePath As String
      Dim iDocumentsPosition As Integer
      'Check if it looks like a OneDrive location
      If InStr(1, fullPath, "https://", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        'for commercial OneDrive file path seems to be like "https://companyName-my.sharepoint.com/personal/userName_domain_com/Documents" & file.FullName)
        If InStr(1, fullPath, "my.sharepoint.com") <> 0 Then
          'find "/Documents" in string and replace everything before the end with OneDrive local path
          iDocumentsPosition = InStr(1, fullPath, "/Documents") + Len("/Documents") 'find "/Documents" position in file URL
          endFilePath = Mid(fullPath, iDocumentsPosition)  'get the ending file path without pointer in OneDrive
          'for personal onedrive it looks like "https://d.docs.live.net/d7bbaa#######1/" & file.FullName, _
          '   by replacing "https.." with OneDrive local path obtained from registry we can get local file path
          'Remove the first four backslashes
          endFilePath = Mid(fullPath, 9) ' removes "https://" and with it two backslashes
          For i = 1 To 2
            endFilePath = Mid(endFilePath, InStr(endFilePath, "/") + 1)
        End If
        'Replace forward slashes with back slashes (URL type to Windows type)
        endFilePath = Replace(endFilePath, "/", Application.PathSeparator)
        'Loop to see if the tentative LocalWorkbookName is the name of a file that actually exists, if so return the name
        For j = 1 To 3
          oneDrivePath = Environ(Choose(j, "OneDrive", "OneDriveCommercial", "OneDriveConsumer"))
          If Len(oneDrivePath) > 0 Then
              LocalFullName = oneDrivePath & Application.PathSeparator & endFilePath
              If Dir(LocalFullName) <> "" Then
                Exit Function 'that is it - WE GOT IT
              End If
          End If
        Next j
        'Possibly raise an error here when attempt to convert to a local file name fails - e.g. for "shared with me" files
        LocalFullName = ""
      End If
      LocalFullName = fullPath
    End Function

    Have fun.

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