I would like to do a new user signup via JSON but I get an invalid authenticity token error.
I would like to not turn the forgery check for all controller. Any sugg
You could buil your own controller that does not derive from a devise controller.
def UserSignupApiController < ApplicationController
skip_before_filter :authenticate_user!
respond_to :json
def create
@user = User.create(params[user])
I think you get the idea. You just instantiate your User just like you would do in Rails console
. I do not recommend this kind of practice though
I can't encourage you in this way, because your app will be vulnerable to CSRF attacks.
A good resource to understand CSRF : Understanding the Rails Authenticity Token
You should rather include the authenticity_token
in your POST request. This is discussed in some questions on SO, like there (read all the answers) : rails - InvalidAuthenticityToken for json/xml requests
The idea :
Retrieve the token with <%= form_authenticity_token %>
Add a authenticity_token
POST param to your request with the token.
If you pass the param by URI, don't forget to encoded the token value :
url += "&authenticity_token=" + encodeURIComponent( <%= form_authenticity_token %> );
For your error
Routing Error uninitialized constant Api::MobileRegistrationsController
it indicates your controller is not in the correct folder. Because you are using
namespace :api do
resources :tokens, :only => [:create, :destroy]
resources :MobileRegistrations, :only => [:create]
You need to put your MobileRegistrations into controllers/api folder. or you can use
scope "/api" do
resources :MobileRegistrations, :only => [:create]