pymc3 : Multiple observed values

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有刺的猬 2020-12-24 09:31

I have some observational data for which I would like to estimate parameters, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to try out PYMC3.

My data is structured

  • 2020-12-24 09:49

    There is nothing fundamentally wrong with your approach, except for the pitfalls of any Bayesian MCMC analysis: (1) non-convergence, (2) the priors, (3) the model.

    Non-convergence: I find a traceplot that looks like this:

    traceplot with burnin included

    This is not a good thing, and to see more clearly why, I would change the traceplot code to show only the second-half of the trace, traceplot(success_samples[10000:]):

    traceplot with burnin removed

    The Prior: One major challenge for convergence is your prior on total_lambda_tau, which is a exemplar pitfall in Bayesian modeling. Although it might appear quite uninformative to use prior Uniform('total_lambda_tau', lower=0, upper=100000), the effect of this is to say that you are quite certain that total_lambda_tau is large. For example, the probability that it is less than 10 is .0001. Changing the prior to

    total_lambda_tau= Uniform('total_lambda_tau', lower=0, upper=100)
    total_lambda_mu = Uniform('total_lambda_mu', lower=0, upper=1000)

    results in a traceplot that is more promising:

    traceplot with different priors

    This is still not what I look for in a traceplot, however, and to get something more satisfactory, I suggest using a "sequential scan Metropolis" step (which is what PyMC2 would default to for an analogous model). You can specify this as follows:

    step =  pm.CompoundStep([pm.Metropolis([total_lambda_mu]),

    This produces a traceplot that seems acceptible:

    traceplot with sequential scan metropolis

    The model: As @KaiLondenberg responded, the approach you have taken with priors on total_lambda_tau and total_lambda_mu is not a standard approach. You describe widely varying event totals (1,000 one hour and 1,000,000 the next) but your model posits it to be normally distributed. In spatial epidemiology, the approach I have seen for analogous data is a model more like this:

    import pymc as pm, theano.tensor as T
    with Model() as success_model: 
        loss_lambda_rate = pm.Flat('loss_lambda_rate')
        error = Poisson('error', mu=totalCounts*T.exp(loss_lambda_rate), 

    I'm sure that there are other ways that will seem more familiar in other research communities as well.

    Here is a notebook collecting up these comments.

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  • 2020-12-24 10:03

    I see several potential problems with the model.

    1.) I would think that the success counts (called error ?) should follow a Binomial(n=total,p=loss_lambda_factor) distribution, not a Poisson.

    2.) Where does the chain start ? Starting at a MAP or MLE configuration would make sense unless you use pure Gibbs sampling. Otherwise the chain might take a long time for burn-in, which might be what's happening here.

    3.) Your choice of a hierarchical prior for total_lambda (i.e. normal with two uniform priors on those parameters) ensures that the chain will take a long time to converge, unless you pick your start wisely (as in Point 2.). You essentially introduce a lot of unneccessary degrees of freedom for the MCMC chain to get lost in. Given that total_lambda has to be nonngative, I would choose a Uniform prior for total_lambda in a suitable range (from 0 to the observed maximum for example).

    4.) You use the Metropolis Sampler. 20000 samples might not be enough for that one. Try 60000 and discard the first 20000 as burn-in. The Metropolis Sampler can take a while to tune the step size, so it might well be that it spent the first 20000 samples to mainly reject proposals and tune. Try other samplers, such as NUTS.

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