I\'d like to create an application using ASP.NET MVC, that should run under mono 2.4 (compiling will be done on a Windows box). Has anyone getting luck with this? Here is wh
Okay. I started on a new project that incorporates the best from S#arp Architecture with stuff, that work on mono. Instead of T4Toolkit it uses a ruby script to do the generation job, just as with rails or merb.
To use install the shaml gem from github:
gem install shaml
Then create a new application:
shaml generate app AppName
And create resources:
shaml generate resource NewRes "name:string;date:DateTime"
S#aml Architecture project homepage: http://shaml.sztupy.hu/
GitHub project: http://github.com/sztupy/shaml/tree/master
I am using mono 2.4 to run a asp.net mvc app + windows service. Compatibility is very good. There are some bugs and differences than with windows but once you learn what they are it gets easier (there can be pain at the start!)
I am using NHibernate (2.1) FluentNhibernate, StructureMap, NBehave, Moq and open id lib and they all just seem to work as expected.
As for stability, since I have ironed out the major bugs in my code I haven't had any problems.
Usability, well it is a completely different platform so you need to come to it with an open mind and be prepared to leave behind the windows way.. the good news is that once you do that things get easier. Apache is a lot nicer than IIS and configuring and managing a linux box is just easier than windows.
I am pretty glad I choose mono.. sorry this is starting to sound like a PR drive - but I am just really happy with it!!