How to use C++ templates in OpenCL kernels?

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猫巷女王i 2020-12-24 08:53

I\'m a novice in OpenCL.

I have an algorithm which uses templates. It worked well with OpenMP parallelization but now the amount of data has grown and the only way t

  • 2020-12-24 09:20

    There is an old way to emulate templates in pure C language. It is based on including a single file several times (without include guard). Since OpenCL has fully functional preprocessor and allows including files, this trick can be used.

    Here is a good explanation:

    It is still much messier than C++ templates: the code has to be splitted into several parts, and you have to explicitly instantiate each instance of template. Also, it seems that you cannot do some useful things like implementing factorial as a recursive template.

    Code example

    Let's apply the idea to OpenCL. Suppose that we want to calculate inverse square root by Newton-Raphson iteration (generally not a good idea). However, the floating point type and the number of iterations may vary.

    First of all, we need a helper header ("templates.h"):

    #ifndef TEMPLATES_H_
    #define TEMPLATES_H_
    #define CAT(X,Y,Z) X##_##Y##_##Z   //concatenate words
    #define TEMPLATE(X,Y,Z) CAT(X,Y,Z)

    Then, we write template function in "":

    #include "templates.h"
    real TEMPLATE(NewtonRaphsonRsqrt, real, iters) (real x, real a) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i<iters; i++) {
            x *= ((real)1.5 - (0.5*a)*x*x);
        return x;

    In your main .cl file, instantiate this template as follows:

    #define real float
    #define iters 2
    #include ""  //defining NewtonRaphsonRsqrt_float_2
    #define real double
    #define iters 3
    #include ""  //defining NewtonRaphsonRsqrt_double_3
    #define real double
    #define iters 4
    #include ""  //defining NewtonRaphsonRsqrt_double_4

    And then can use it like this:

    double prec = TEMPLATE(NewtonRaphsonRsqrt, double, 4) (1.5, 0.5);
    float approx = TEMPLATE(NewtonRaphsonRsqrt, float, 2) (1.5, 0.5);
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  • 2020-12-24 09:28

    You can have a look at VexCL which uses expression templates to generate OpenCL kernels. You can get some ideas on how to make OpenCL to work nicely with templates.

    Another library that is being actively worked on is Boost.Compute which is a layer on top of OpenCL to allow generic C++ code.

    The general idea is to create the kernel as a C string more or less and pass it down to the OpenCL runtime for compilation and execution.

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  • 2020-12-24 09:28

    Note that the new SYCL Khronos standard has native support for C++ templates in OpenCL.

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  • 2020-12-24 09:30

    I have written an experimental C++ to OpenCL C source transformation tool. The tool compiles C++ source (even some STL) into LLVM byte-code, and uses a modified version of the LLVM 'C' back-end to disassemble the byte-code into OpenCL 'C'.

    Please see

    For example, this code using C++11's std::enable_if can be converted into OpenCL 'C' and then executed on the GPU:

    #include <type_traits>
    template<class T>
    T foo(T t, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value >::type* = 0)
        return 1;
    template<class T>
    T foo(T t, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value >::type* = 0)
        return 0;
    extern "C" void _Kernel_enable_if_int_argument(int* arg0, int* out)
        out[0] = foo(arg0[0]);
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  • 2020-12-24 09:34

    If you're really determined to get it done, you could re-target your C++ compiler of a choice to generate NVidia PTX (and Clang is likely to be able to do it soon any way). But this way you'd bind your code to the NVidia hardware.

    Another way is to implement a custom backend for LLVM, based on the current CBE, which will generate pure OpenCL code instead of C.

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  • 2020-12-24 09:34

    PyOpenCL is now using Mako as it's template engine.

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