I use pathogen for organizing my vim plugins. I git clone the plugins from github into the vimbundles
directory. This way it is simple to update them.
Randy's answer works best for me. A one liner I use when I want to add the ignore = untracked option to a lot of submodules is:
for s in `git submodule --quiet foreach 'echo $name'` ; do git config submodule.$s.ignore untracked ; done
As far as I can tell, pathogen just runs :helptags
on the doc directory included in the bundle and vim puts the tags
file there. I am not aware of a setting to change this behavior.
I offer my workaround as it's a bit different than the others since I store all of my bundles as submodules of a larger repo. Rather than modifying the repo's .gitignore
or .git/config
, I just add ignore = untracked
to the submodule's entry in .gitmodules
, e.g.:
[submodule "vim/bundle/nerdcommenter"]
path = vim/bundle/nerdcommenter
url = http://github.com/scrooloose/nerdcommenter.git
ignore = untracked
I have this line i my .git/config:
showUntrackedFiles = no
And now every time i run git status untracked files are not displayed. This also speeds up things a bit since git does not check every single file in directory but only those existing in repository.
For more info go to http://git-scm.com/docs/git-config and go to status.showUntrackedFiles
Edit: Forgot to mention that I also have submodules in bundle directory and I add mentioned option to top-most repository config.