How do you add Javascript file programmatically to the user control?
I want the user control to be a complete package - ie I don\'t want to have to add javascript th
I generally do it when rendering the HTML for the control and depending on whether it's a library injection or an instance injection I use the Items collection to specify whether or not I have already produced the code for a control of this type during the current request using a unique identifier.
Something to the effect of:
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//Check if the Object Script has already been rendered during this request.
if (!Context.Items.Contains("xxx"))
//Specify that the Object Script has been rendered during this request.
Context.Items.Add("xxx", string.Empty);
//Write the script to the page via the control
//Write the script that instantiates a new instance for this control
I found this to be a more elegant way to fix-link to your javascript.
In your .ascx, link to your script files the following way:
<script src='<%= ResolveClientUrl("~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js") %>' type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src='<%= ResolveClientUrl("~/Scripts/jquery.maskedinput-1.3.min.js") %>' type="text/javascript"></script>
That way, no matter which subfolder/page you add your user control to, the link to your scripts will always be correctly resolved.
If you have the text of the actual javascript in your .CS file, you can call Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock.
The following assumes that "GetScript()" returns the actual javascript you want added to the rendered control.
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "controlScriptName", GetScript());
The same as gnomixa's response, only a bit cleaner:
HtmlGenericControl js = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
js.Attributes["type"] = "text/javascript";
js.Attributes["src"] = "jscript/formfunctions.js";
In the Page_Load method of control.ascx.cs file:
LiteralControl jsResource = new LiteralControl();
jsResource.Text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/mini-template-control.js\"></script>";
HtmlLink stylesLink = new HtmlLink();
stylesLink.Attributes["rel"] = "stylesheet";
stylesLink.Attributes["type"] = "text/css";
stylesLink.Href = "css/mini-template-control.css";
This will load css and Javascript into the head tag of the main page, just make sure that the head has runat="server".
Good question!
A UserControl should be a single package without any dependency on a JavaScript or a CSS file. You will need to make the JS and CSS files as embedded resources. Right click properties and set build action to embedded resources. Then you need to inject the JavaScript and CSS files as WebResources.
Here is one article that I wrote yesterday which talks about the same scenario: