I received these errors after I added \" -all_load \" in the \"Other Linker Flags\" build setting once I added \"libPusher-combined.a\" and its header files. I followed the
For the latest sdk, you should add:
since libicucore.dylib is not present anymore.
hope .tbd extension is not for "to be delete"?
In my case when I added SystemConfiguration.framework to the project and problem went... :-)
Check to make sure you included the following frameworks (via https://github.com/square/SocketRocket) :
Framework Dependencies
Your .app must be linked against the following frameworks/dylibs
libicucore.dylib CFNetwork.framework Security.framework Foundation.framework
I copied the complete SocketRocket folder into my application for using web sockets in my application and linked libicucore.dylib, CFNetwork.framework, Security.framework, Foundation.framework binaries with my project. This removed all my errors and warnings.
Make sure that you also have -licucore in "Other Linker Flags", in the build settings tab, as in the attached screenshot:
Can you check out in your target->Build Phase. whether these files exist there or not ? and if you are running for simulator then first you need to make a build for simulator of that library whatever i guess you are using SRWebSocket library. Just open that project and just make a build for simulator and copy the files from build folder and then add to your project and do the same for the device if you are running your app on device.