Looking for software that will analyze php code (i.e. all of wordpress or the thematic theme) and show me pretty pictures (perhaps a block diagram) of all the connections to
Try JB Graph
if you good in java script then try D3.js
Maybe http://phpcallgraph.sourceforge.net/ for static analysis.
It can output to various formats.
[UPDATE: This answer does not handle namespaces, so is basically obsolete. I'll leave it here in case anyone finds the DOT approach interesting.]
Here's a simple way to graph class inheritance in PHP.
Grep for class definitions and then transform the grep output to DOT syntax. NOTE: This process WILL require trial and error in your situation. Run the grep separately, and tweak it to show the right class definition lines before putting it in the script!
This script was for PHP on standard *nix (I used Ubuntu), with graphviz installed, and using grep -v to exclude some directories that were of no interest because I was looking at a CakePHP codebase. Fdp worked better than sfdp, dot, circo or neato in this situation.
Create generateClassHierarchy.sh
echo 'digraph code {' > code.dot;
grep -r "^class " * | grep -v "^app/vendors" | grep -v "^cake/" | grep -v "Binary file" | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/class / /' | sed 's/ extends / -> /' | sed 's/ implements .*//' | sed 's/ \?{.*$//' | sort >> code.dot
echo '}' >> code.dot;
fdp -Tpng -ocode.fdp.png code.dot 2> /dev/null # Ignore syntax error
echo "OK";
Then just:
cd /var/www/my_app/ # or wherever
bash ~/shell/generateClassHierarchy.sh # or wherever
eog code.fdp.png
Replace eog with your preferred image viewer. I have run this on Zend Framework as a test, and produced a 22 megabyte PNG graph. Running it on just Zend_Db shows you this (example is on my site):
BOUML can make UML diagrams out of existing PHP code
nWire is outdated, does not support latest PHP versions (namespaces). Community version of Visual Paradigm is free for non commercial projects, but fails on latest PHP versions too.
phUML is very useful free tool It's not maintained anymore, but still works fine for PHP 5. Mac users shall install graphviz too.