Javascript code can be tough to maintain.
I am looking for tools that will help me ensure a reasonable quality level.
So far I have found JsUNit, a very nice unit te
Wro4j-maven-plugin provides several goals for static code analysis for JavaScript and CSS resources as well, like: jslint, jshint and csslint
Here is a link to the official Wro4j-maven-plugin documentation.
I've worked on the SweetDEV RIA project which is a Java tag library composed of several "Web 2.0/Ajax/JavaScript" components.
The maven 2 build process includes some in-house plugins which launches JSLint (code verifier), JsMin (code minifier), JsDoc generation (JavaDoc like documentation), JsUnit (unit tests) and Selenium (in browser) tests .
You may take a look on the SweetDEV RIA maven plugins repository.
Sonar and the JavaScript Plugin:
This project looks close:
It generates a report with JsLint. It doesn't look like it hooks into the test phase of the build lifecycle, so I don't think it will reject a build if jslint finds issues (which is what I'd like to do on my projects).