Here is the reading/learning list I suggest
- First read Thinking in C++ first edition (get the syntax straight)
- Read Scott Meyer's book Effective C++ (get the finer nuances)
After which you can branch out to the following. You can skip all except maybe 1st. You may use boost, STL, whatever to learn these
1 Learn to use strings & other containers
(know when to use which container)
2 Assuming you already know XML, learn to use XML from C++
(Write a WBXML to XML translator maybe)
3 Review your TCP/IP fundamentals,
(write simple XMPP based chat client maybe)
4 You may wish to learn some GUI toolkit GTK+, Qt, MFC, whatever
At this time you may want to branch out into reading about design patterns. I recommend 'Design Patterns Explained'.
Once you've spent over an year working with C++ you may want to read, among others, "Inside the C++ Object Model".
Also, I don't recommend that you read Stroustrup but YMMV.