I looked into different resources and still get confused on how to parse a json format to a custom object, for example
class Resident
attr_accessor :phone,
require 'json'
class Resident
attr_accessor :phone, :addr
def initialize(phone, addr)
@phone = phone
@addr = addr
s = '{"Resident":[{"phone":"12345","addr":"xxxxx"},{"phone":"12345","addr":"xxxxx"},{"phone":"12345","addr":"xxxxx"}]}'
j = JSON.parse(s)
objects = j['Resident'].inject([]) { |o,d| o << Resident.new( d['phone'], d['addr'] ) }
p objects[0].phone
We recently released a Ruby library static_struct
that solves the issue. Check it out.
The following code is more simple:
require 'json'
data = JSON.parse(json_data)
residents = data['Resident'].map { |rd| Resident.new(rd['phone'], rd['addr']) }
If you're using ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
you can just call from_json(json)
and your object will be mapped with those values.
class Person
include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
attr_accessor :name, :age, :awesome
def attributes=(hash)
hash.each do |key, value|
send("#{key}=", value)
def attributes
json = {name: 'bob', age: 22, awesome: true}.to_json
person = Person.new
person.from_json(json) # => #<Person:0x007fec5e7a0088 @age=22, @awesome=true, @name="bob">
person.name # => "bob"
person.age # => 22
person.awesome # => true
Today i was looking for something that converts json to an object, and this works like a charm:
person = JSON.parse(json_string, object_class: OpenStruct)
This way you could do person.education.school
or person[0].education.school
if the response is an array
I'm leaving it here because might be useful for someone