I used quote marks around \"right way\" because I\'m already well aware that the right way to use an asynchronous API is to simply let the asynchronous behavior propagate th
You could also look at using Nito.AsyncEx, which is a nuget package. I've heard of issues with using Task.Run() and this this addresses that. Here's a link to the api docs: http://dotnetapis.com/pkg/Nito.AsyncEx/4.0.1/net45/doc/Nito.AsyncEx.AsyncContext
And here's an example for using an async method in a console app: https://blog.stephencleary.com/2012/02/async-console-programs.html
Try following-
var task = Task.Run(() => myHttpClient.GetAsync(someUrl));
var response = task.Result;
Use it only when you cannot use async method.
This method is completely deadlock free as mentioned on msdn blog- https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/jpsanders/2017/08/28/asp-net-do-not-use-task-result-in-main-context/