I am struggling to push my code to Heroku. And after searching on Google and Stack Overflow questions, I have not been able to find the solution. Here is What I get when I t
I solved this issue this way:
it worked for me.
I'm pretty sure Heroku only supports certain versions of Rails, so you need to be on at least 3.0, instead of a release candidate. Update the version of Rails in your gemfile, run bundle update
, and then try to push to Heroku.
I don't think it's a Rails version problem, nor is it specific to Heroku. (I hit the same problem today, when running bundle install
on my local development machine, with Rails 3.0.3.)
Running bundle update
locally, as Andrew suggested, fixes the issue.
As suggested in the comments: remember to git add .
, git commit -m "message"
I actually solved it by simply pushing it up a second time after letting things sit for a few minutes... I have re-spun my dokku system from scratch and encountered the same issue, on the same day after I had previously attempted a workaround of updating nokogiri. That was when I realized, this seems to be an oddity of herokuish; it doesn't always take on the first push.
I wonder if behind the scenes it's installing library headers, and when they take too long, bundler simply fails the install.
rm -rf ~/.bundle/ ~/.gem/ .bundle/ Gemfile.lock
I had Gemfile.lock
at my localserver
make sure to delete it from the localserver AND also the HEROKU V-machine.