I am trying to change the color of the action button from gray to orange.
actionButton(\"run\",\"Run Analysis\")
(This is in server.R
Below, I've made your action button look like a submit button (also adding a font-awesome icon):
actionButton("run", "Run Analysis", icon("paper-plane"),
style="color: #fff; background-color: #337ab7; border-color: #2e6da4")
As @MLavoie mentioned, you can embed CSS in your shiny app using tags$head
. Try this:
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
actionButton("run","Run Analysis")
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
If you're unfamiliar to CSS, w3schools has really good and easy tutorials.
You can use boostrap colors in the class
actionButton("run","Run Analysis", class = "btn-warning")
These are basic colors only but really usefull for graphic standards.