I tried updating a Laravel project I\'m working on today using composer update
But it hung on Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
In my case, it was simply taking a very long time on my 8GB ram Mac. To check the progress and verify that it is going through the dependencies, run composer in verbose mode. This was an approach I missed in the question so worth re-stating here.
composer update -vvv
Working for me. First Run command for auto load, then clear cache and run update.
composer dump-autoload
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan view:clear
composer update
Restart your system.
I faced the same problem today. Going by advice, turned off xdebug, but did not help. Verified all files were present. Restarted my system, and it worked.
I found this in another article, I found that doing the following below worked. It seemed to be a cache/download issue into the composer packages cache.
composer update -vvv
Then doing the following: Add or edit your composer file to have these settings.
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://packagist.org"
{ "packagist": false }
Check if you are running the minimum required php version
Compare with the specified required php version in the composer.json file
Open terminal run
php -v
Cross check in composer.json file see example below
"require": {
"php": "^7.1.3",
I solved it by editing php.ini
file in order to set de cacert required for ssl verification:
Edit php.ini
to set the pat:
; The location of a Certificate Authority (CA) file on the local filesystem
; to use when verifying the identity of SSL/TLS peers. Most users should
; not specify a value for this directive as PHP will attempt to use the
; OS-managed cert stores in its absence. If specified, this value may still
; be overridden on a per-stream basis via the "cafile" SSL stream context
; option.
Try again