Other people have provided good answers with valid suggestion to avoid hiding elements and instead disable them and provide some hints for the reasons.
So, I would like to look at it from different perspective - but how to hide some UI elements in cases when user does not need to see them, no matter if he has or has no permissions for particular actions related to the elements?
For example, let's say, users of some role are given access to sellers records in the system.
But then business analyst says: "Look, there is a dropdown with sellers list in this form and we should not allow some specific roles to see it".
Developer asks: "So, we just remove the "Read sellers" permission from this role, right?" But the analyst replies: "No! This role should still be able to view the sellers on the Sellers page. It's just this single form where we should hide the list for some roles and show it to some other roles."
So, the developer adds permission called "Show sellers dropdown on the form X".
Ooops, now we have a problem. Access to the same data is being controlled by two separate permissions. Now we have to figure out how to combine both of them. And what if there are more than one form where seller's list should be hidden for some roles? How do we combine it with "Read seller's list"? For us, developers, it is somewhat clear that "Read" permission should have higher priority above "View", so even if a user can "View" a list, he still should not see it (or see empty or disabled with a helpful hint) if he does not have "Read" permission. We, developers and analysts of the system know it. But how should the system administrator know it? Should we teach him this? How can we guarantee that the admin won't confuse all those "View" and "Read" for the single data list?
As you see, it all gets messy for one reason - we are mixing data processing permissions with UI conveniences in the list of role permissions.
I have seen many projects where it gets messy because permissions on the server side get coupled too much to UI, which asks for troubles and possible security holes (because you have multiple items in your role permission editor for the same actions on the same data).
Permissions are about access and operations on some specific data. UI can only react to permissions in consistent way throughout entire system (disabling with hints, hiding etc.). We should never invent new permission entries just for UI purposes.
Now the question remains - but how do we actually hide UI elements for some system users to avoid overwhelming them with huge amount of always disabled items? One solution might be role workspaces. If we clearly know that users of some role will never ever need access to some specific data, we create a set of UI control entries, similar to permissions, but this time we don't call them permissions. And we can get really fancy here, even allowing users themselves to freely customize their workspace and choose what they can or cannot see. Of course, permissions will always take the highest priority, but it will only affect the data and state of UI elements and not visibility.
That's my two cents. Unfortunately, I myself haven't worked on such a system where permissions and UI workspace options are neatly separated because I always somehow come too late to a project, when the "damage has been done". But I hope some day I'll have a chance. I just hope to find a good example how to do this right, but somehow internet searches do not give me anything useful. Does it really mean that nobody else has came to the same conclusions as me? I don't believe it, somebody in the enterprise design pattern world should have noticed this UI<->permission impedance mismatch long ago.