I\'m using Postman to test an existing REST API. This API calls async functions on the server which return a response over a websocket using StompJS.
Is it possible
This is not possible as of May 2017, because Postman only works with HTTP methods such as POST, GET, PUT, DELETE.
P/S: There is a request for this if you want to upvote: github.com/postmanlabs/postman-app-support/issues/4009
Postman doesn't support websocket. Most of the extension and app I had ever seen were not working properly.
Solution which I found
Just login/ open your application in your browser, and open browser console. Then enter your socket event, and press enter.
socket.emit("event_name", {"id":"123"}, (res)=>{console.log(res); });
As the previous comment mentioned you can't do this in Postman. however, I found this Chrome app in the web store. It is very simple, but it's working really well with my local web socket connections.
Smart Websocket Client
You can use the tool APIC available here https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/apic-complete-api-solutio/ggnhohnkfcpcanfekomdkjffnfcjnjam. This tool allows you to test websocket which use either StompJS or native Websocket. More info here at www.apic.app