Say my co-hacker and I find ourselves on a desert island. Normally we push and pull to github to sync with each other. How would you recommend we do so when we have no conne
One solution compatible with your scenario would be to share through an USB stick one file through git bundle
That allows you to:
Take a SD-Card, or an USB-stick or something. Create a bare repository there. Then one push to that repo, unmount the card/stick, give it to the other, that one pull from it.
cd /path/to/usbstick
mkdir repo
cd repo
git init --bare
cd /path/to/local/repo
git remote add usb /path/to/usbstick/repo
git push usb --all
One the other machine
cd /pat/to/local/repo
git remote add usb /path/to/usbstick/repo
git fetch usb --all
For starters - get this book -
Second, there is a section on page 40 titled Distributed Workflows
That should cover what you need, just use ssh as your comms protocol (assuming you're familiar with ssh from command line)
Running a git server locally should work if you're on the same network. One would push to his own machine, the other to the other machine (based on local IP).
The simplest solution is probably to just set up an ad-hoc wireless and SSH to eachother's laptops. You can set up your remote with
$ git remote add cohacker myuser@cohackers-laptop:/path/to/repo.git
Now you can push/pull to your heart's content:
$ git pull cohacker master
... hack away ...
$ git push cohacker master